This adds a functional test to reproduce the bug where when calling an
API that will examine a deleted instance record (examples: GET /servers/detail
and GET /os-simple-tenant-usage), if that instance's related records
have only been partially archived (example: 'instance_extra' record was
archived but 'instances' record has not been archived yet) then the API
call fails with the following error:
Unexpected API Error ... <class 'nova.exception.OrphanedObjectError'>
(HTTP 500)
Related-Bug: #1837995
Change-Id: Ia225ee86536248d2540de0d7a1cd012333e708a2
(cherry picked from commit 3d4e53f832792cc49001f1588164e28b84c16d7a)
(cherry picked from commit 21241b38dd4bc2c74a69aed489ada5c611395920)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /nova/+ /785071 /opendev. org/openstack/ nova/commit/ 37cff3c74d54bf0 d19abe9502e5979 b81e24f918
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/ussuri
commit 37cff3c74d54bf0 d19abe9502e5979 b81e24f918
Author: melanie witt <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 12 21:40:16 2021 +0000
Add functional test for bug 1837995
This adds a functional test to reproduce the bug where when calling an tenant- usage), if that instance's related records
API that will examine a deleted instance record (examples: GET /servers/detail
and GET /os-simple-
have only been partially archived (example: 'instance_extra' record was
archived but 'instances' record has not been archived yet) then the API
call fails with the following error:
Unexpected API Error ... <class 'nova.exception .OrphanedObject Error'>
(HTTP 500)
Related-Bug: #1837995
Change-Id: Ia225ee86536248 d2540de0d7a1cd0 12333e708a2 49001f1588164e2 8b84c16d7a) 74a69aed489ada5 c611395920)
(cherry picked from commit 3d4e53f832792cc
(cherry picked from commit 21241b38dd4bc2c