1、create volume backed instance
2、 at /nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py _live_migration function, if in this function raise exception, will run
the function recover_method(context, instance, dest, block_migration) , but the param "migrate_data"
is None by defaut, so when call
/nova/compute/manager.py the function _rollback_live_migration(self, context, instance, dest, block_migration, migrate_data=None) , because the param " migrate_data " is None ,so the variable "is_volume_backed" is False,
so the function rollback_live_migration_at_destination(self, context, instance) will can not run . so ,the destination resources can not rollback.
3、I am using icehouse version , This bug are also present in the J version and K version .
this bug will affect the next live-migration, because rollback failure at destination, the instance path will be not deleted. so , if the next live-migration to the node,the function pre_live_migration will raise "The supplied disk path (%(path)s) already exists" exception.