[OSSA 2015-017] Deleting instance while resize instance is running leads to unuseable compute nodes (CVE-2015-3280)

Bug #1392527 reported by Tushar Patil
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenStack Compute (nova)
Fix Released
Tristan Cacqueray
Fix Released
Tony Breeds
Fix Released
Tony Breeds
OpenStack Security Advisory
Fix Released
Tristan Cacqueray

Bug Description

Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a new instance,waiting until it’s status goes to ACTIVE state
2) Call resize API
3) Delete the instance immediately after the task_state is “resize_migrated” or vm_state is “resized”
4) Repeat 1 through 3 in a loop

I have kept attached program running for 4 hours, all instances created are deleted (nova list returns empty list) but I noticed instances directories with the name “<instance_uuid>_resize> are not deleted from the instance path of the compute nodes (mainly from the source compute nodes where the instance was running before resize). If I keep this program running for couple of more hours (depending on the number of compute nodes), then it completely uses the entire disk of the compute nodes (based on the disk_allocation_ratio parameter value). Later, nova scheduler doesn’t select these compute nodes for launching new vms and starts reporting error "No valid hosts found".

Note: Even the periodic tasks doesn't cleanup these orphan instance directories from the instance path.

CVE References

Revision history for this message
Tushar Patil (tpatil) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

This sounds like a potential denial of service vector, so I've added an incomplete security advisory task and subscribed Nova's core security reviewers to comment.

Changed in ossa:
status: New → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

Looks pretty valid to me. I bet Nova coresec will confirm :)

Changed in ossa:
importance: Undecided → High
status: Incomplete → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

Independently reported by george-shuklin as bug 1387543

Revision history for this message
Andrew Laski (alaski) wrote :

This is a valid issue. But it should be limited to issuing a delete before the instance.vm_state is 'resized' since there is code to cleanup a resized instance if vm_state is 'resized'.

It's going to take a little bit of thought to get the coordination between delete and resize correct for this.

Changed in nova:
status: New → Confirmed
importance: Undecided → High
Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@Tushar Do you want to acknowledge a company along with your name or is this reported independently ?

Here is impact description draft #1:

Title: Nova instance delete in resize state may leak
Reporter: Tushar Patil
Products: Nova
Versions: up to 2014.1.3 and 2014.2

Tushar Patil reported a vulnerability in Nova resize state. If an authenticated user deletes an instance while it is in resize state, it will cause the original instance to not be deleted from the compute node it was running on. An attacker can use this to launch a denial of service attack. All Nova setups are affected.

Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote :

I was first to report it... https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1387543 (2014-10-30)

Revision history for this message
Tushar Patil (tpatil) wrote :

Tristan: If George has reported this issue first, let's give him the credit. I don't have permissions to view bug ID 1387543 so I cannot comment on it.

My company name: NTT DATA, Inc.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@George, oups I messed up the time line! Indeed you are the original reporter... So should I also credit "Webzilla LTD" along with your name ?

Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote :

I think it is independent discovery, we both should be noted.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@George @Tushar Alright, apologizes for the noise, I put both of you as reporter in this impact description draft #2:

Title: Nova instance delete in resize state may leak
Reporter: George Shuklin (Webzilla LTD) and Tushar Patil (NTT DATA, Inc)
Products: Nova
Versions: up to 2014.1.3 and 2014.2

George Shuklin from Webzilla LTD and Tushar Patil from NTT DATA, Inc independently reported a vulnerability in Nova resize state. If an authenticated user deletes an instance while it is in resize state, it will cause the original instance to not be deleted from the compute node it was running on. An attacker can use this to launch a denial of service attack. All Nova setups are affected.

Changed in ossa:
status: Confirmed → Triaged
Changed in ossa:
assignee: nobody → Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray)
Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote :

Thanks, it's nice, but where is the fix? And I need to backport it to havana... (sigh).

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

George: our vulnerability managers and software developers work in parallel documenting and fixing security bugs. Hopefully a backportable (at least as far as stable/icehouse which is our oldest supported branch) fix will be along soon from one of the Nova developers since Andrew has triaged it at High importance.

Tristan: your latest impact description in comment #11 looks accurate--thanks!

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

Impact desc: 2014.2 up to 2014.2.1 (which was out last week) otherwise looks good.

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

@alaski: any progress on a patch for this one ?

Revision history for this message
Andrew Laski (alaski) wrote :

Sorry for the long delay. Still looking for someone to tackle this, or for time to do it myself.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@nova-coresec: this have been reported almost 2 month ago... Any progress on the fix ?

Updating affected version line:

Title: Nova instance delete in resize state may leak
Reporter: George Shuklin (Webzilla LTD) and Tushar Patil (NTT DATA, Inc)
Products: Nova
Versions: up to 2014.1.3 and 2014.2 versions up to 2014.2.1

George Shuklin from Webzilla LTD and Tushar Patil from NTT DATA, Inc independently reported a vulnerability in Nova resize state. If an authenticated user deletes an instance while it is in resize state, it will cause the original instance to not be deleted from the compute node it was running on. An attacker can use this to launch a denial of service attack. All Nova setups are affected.

Revision history for this message
Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) wrote :


The attached fix addresses all the issues mentioned in the attached excel sheet. Please have a look at it.
The migration db interface code is already submitted by me in patch [1] but since it is not merged yet I have included it here.
[1] : https://review.openstack.org/122347

As of now lot of unit tests are failing because of proposed changes. I will fix broken unit tests once my patch is approved by the security team.
Please review the code.

Revision history for this message
Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

I'm not sure what the problem is but I keep getting 'Processing Failed' when I try to view the patch.

Revision history for this message
Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) wrote :

Hi Tony,

I had also tried the same and I was able to view the patch twice but after that getting 'Processing Failed' error continuously.
I tried to view the patch attached on some other bug and there also I am getting same error.

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

@Abhishek Thanks for confirming it's not just me. I'll check again tomorrow.

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

Impact desc +1

Changed in nova:
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

I had to remove the "patch" flag from the attachment to be able to view it.

Revision history for this message
Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) wrote :


The patch attached in comment #18 is giving "Processing Failed" when you try to view it.
Attaching the same patch again without setting "patch" flag.

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

Firstly I want to admit upfront:
1) I'm new to reviewing code in LP. I'm sorry if there is an established protocol I'm breaking. Just tell me the right thing to do.
2) I could be off base here. I'll clearly continue to dig into this.

While there is no doubt that the get_latest_by_instance() API changes are neat. They represent an (IIUC) RPC bump, which would be great to avoid for backports to stable/*. Can't we get the same result using MigrationList.get_by_filters() and then open code the lookup for latest?

Based on the scenarios you logged it looks like catching the InstanceNotFound exception should be enough but I have a vauge nagging fear that we're missing something. No doubt what you've done is a long way to a solution.

Revision history for this message
Andrew Laski (alaski) wrote :

Thanks for putting up a patch!

Reviewing the patch has caused me to dig into this issue deeply once again so I want to record some thoughts here.

This issue is exacerbated by not having locks during the resize process. The terminate process would wait for the completion of the resize at which point the delete would be handled fine. Adding locking is not trivial because the resize executes on both source and dest hosts.

There is no good way to interrupt a resize. If a delete comes in during a resize operation with no way to interrupt the resize or grab a lock then it's always possible that the resize disk could be created after any cleanup that's done. The traditional way to interrupt a task is to delete the instance db record which will cause an exception to be raised on the next instance.save(), but the delete process doesn't know when the resize code will hit that.

As far as cleaning up the _resize disks, the poll_unconfirmed _resizes task should eventually handle it but it typically has a long window before it will clean up an uncomfirmed resize and the task is turned off by default.

Looking at the patch specifically it doesn't appear to fully address the issue I raised above. Since the resize is not interrupted it's possible that the cleanup code will run before the _resize disk is created. It will reduce the timewindow for the race condition but not eliminate it. It's also libvirt specific and this vulnerability could exist for any driver that creates a separate disk for resize. The RPC bump is also an issue for backporting the change. And finally the use of utils.execute to ssh and rm -rf a directory is concerning.

Thinking simply, just ensuring that virt driver destroy() methods look for and clean up resize disks would do a lot to alleviate this.

Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote :

I'm not the developer, just operator.

From my point of view (and original report) the problem is with scp/rsync, which keeps copying files after instance is deleted. It keeps file opened even if you remove them, and eats network and cpu.

My naiive approach (like if I would be developer) would be:

1. Save pid of scp/rsync process in migration record.
2. If instance is terminated during migration, mark is as 'aborting' in migration record.
3. On source host for each migration in aborting state (related to 'own' host):
a) Kill scp/rsync (by pid)
b) Delete local files
4. On destination:
a) Delete local files

To keep track of the files on all systems, they all should be saved in migration record.

Again, I'm not the developer, I don't know all aspects of RPC around nova-api/compute, but as operator I really don't want to see stray scp/rsync processes on compute, operating on deleted disks.

Revision history for this message
Andrew Laski (alaski) wrote :

George: that seems to be to be a slightly different issue that what's reported here, unless I've missed the subtlety of what's reported here. I was under the impression that the _resize disks were being left around indefinitely, vs your concern that they're not cleaned up immediately.

There has been talk for quite a while about getting to a point where tasks are cancel-able within Nova, but at this point there's very little to work with to make that happen. The solution you've proposed would involve a db migration and multiple RPC changes while being primarily libvirt specific. Making that work generally across hypervisors will take a bit more abstraction and effort, and doing that in a backwards compatible way may end up being a challenge as well.

Revision history for this message
Andrew Laski (alaski) wrote :

For the issue reported here I would propose starting with a simple solution that cleans up any resize disks during the virt driver destroy() call. The xenapi driver already does a similiar thing for rescue disks.

For the issue George is discussion I would look at adding a small store of instance->task mappings to each driver that it can use to clean up tasks during the destroy() process.

Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote :

Yes, seems fine. One important notice: there is few methods of copy disk (rsync via rsyncd, rsync via ssh, scp) - and all them should be terminated properly.

Btw: If you have problems with reproducing setup, I can give access to realservers laboratory installation with few compute hosts and scp as migration method (juno).

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

@Andrew: do you plan to propose a simpler patch ?

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

@ttx Yes we're working on one. I was blocked but a frustrating set of unrelated bugs.

Revision history for this message
Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) wrote :


Please review the attached patch.

In this patch I have added periodic tasks to cleanup instance files left out either on the source or destination compute node when the instance is deleted during resizing.

This is a much cleaner approach than the previous attached patch as it doesn't involve adding new interface to the virt driver and compute rpcapi.

The attached patch and the patch [1] which is currently under review, will resolve all the issues mentioned in 'resize_scenarios.xlsx ' (refer comment #19).

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154761/

Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote :


Thanks for work. Is this fix cover the killing of rsync/scp processes in the case of 'cold migration'?

Revision history for this message
Tushar Patil (tpatil) wrote :

Hi George:

This patch doesn't address killing orphan rsync/scp processes left out in the migrate_disk_and_power_off method. I think this fix is outside the scope of the problem we are trying to solve.

Can you please report this issue as a new bug or else I can do it for you?

Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote :

I reported this problem (lost 'scp' processes), and it was linked as 'duplicate' here.

See https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1387543

If they are differ, duplication link should be removed and both should be treated as separate vulnerabilities.

@ttx, please clarify.

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

OK, unduplicated

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

@nova-coresec, please review proposed patch

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

This is not a full review but after some review and testing the patch is looking good to me.

It doesn't eliminate the bug but it does reduce the severity and allow operators to mitigate.

I'll do a more in depth review tomorrow and continue to test.

Revision history for this message
Dan Smith (danms) wrote :

I'm really wary of just adding a new state to the migration process. That code is already extremely complicated and confusing, and I'm not sure that we can reasonably approve such a change to that logic in a short period of time.

It seems to me that we should be able to have the periodic task just scan the instances directory for files that don't relate to any instance running on self.host, and that aren't also related to any ongoing migration and delete those. Why won't that work?

Revision history for this message
Tushar Patil (tpatil) wrote :


There is a one case where the host of the instance is set to the destination compute node during the resize operation. Now, when the instance is deleted during the resize operation, it will cleanup the instance files from the destination compute node leaving the instance files on the source compute node untouched. In this scenario, periodic task running on the source compute node won't be able to find the instance and it won't cleanup the instance files.

This situation is well handled in the above attached patch in comment #34.

Revision history for this message
Dan Smith (danms) wrote :

But a periodic task that looks at the local instance file residue (running on the source compute) should be able to tell that the instance is deleted and remove the residue, right?

I'm not going to approve a change to introduce a new state to the migration structure at this point in the release. Others might.

Revision history for this message
Tushar Patil (tpatil) wrote :


Now I have understood what you are proposing. I liked your idea.

I have interpreted your solution as below:

1. Get the list of instances folder based on the instances_path (in case of shared storage, it could return large set and there would performance issues here)
- Add a new interface in driver.py and implement it in all hypervisors.
2. get the list of UUIDS of all the instances known to the virtualization layer (list_instance_uuids)
3. Prepare a list of instances folder not present in the list of UUIDS. Iterate through this list and check whether the instance is deleted or not. If deleted, call self.driver.delete_instance_files(instance) to cleanup the instance files.

The only issue I see here is in case of shared storage, it would return large set of instances folder in step #1 and iterating through this list would have serious performance impact.

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

Since this will end up being used in stable branch updates, I agree that we should target the smallest fix possible. A whole new state is definitely not the best solution. I like the periodic cleanup. Patch anyone ?

Revision history for this message
Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) wrote :

Hi Thierry,

For periodic cleanup approach suggested by Dan Smith, there will be issue in case if instance path is configured on shared storage.
In case of shared storage it would return large set of instances folder and iterating through this list will have a performance impact.

Please let us know your opinion about this.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

Would it be possible to filter out shared storage in the request ? I don't think such a load for cleanup would be acceptable...

Revision history for this message
Rajesh Tailor (rajesh-tailor) wrote :

Hi All,

Please find the attached patch 0001-Delete-orphaned-instance-files-from-compute-nodes.patch, which is modified version of patch attached in comment #34.

In new patch I have addressed Dan's comment (refer #41) about not adding new migration status.
In this patch, no new migration status is added and the periodic task '_cleanup_incomplete_migrations' takes care of deleting instance files from source/destination compute node. I have also added new db interface to mark migration record as deleted so that it doesn't appear again in the next periodic task run.

With new patch, I have successfully tested all the scenarios mentioned in resize_scenarios.xlsx attached in comment #19.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@nova-coresec, please review proposed patch

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

Updating affected version to include recent stable release.

Title: Nova instance delete in resize state may leak
Reporter: George Shuklin (Webzilla LTD) and Tushar Patil (NTT DATA, Inc)
Products: Nova
Affects: versions through 2014.1.4, and 2014.2 versions through 2014.2.3, and version 2015.1.0

George Shuklin from Webzilla LTD and Tushar Patil from NTT DATA, Inc independently reported a vulnerability in Nova resize state. If an authenticated user deletes an instance while it is in resize state, it will cause the original instance to not be deleted from the compute node it was running on. An attacker can use this to launch a denial of service attack. All Nova setups are affected.

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

Patch looks reasonable to me, but I'd like to see Dan Smith review it as well. I shall ping him.

Revision history for this message
Dan Smith (danms) wrote :

We don't currently ever delete migrations, AFAICT, which is supported by the fact that you have to add that in the patch. IMHO, that's too much to put in this fix, and could have some unintended effects elsewhere.

Instead, how about just setting the migration.status = 'failed' or something to prevent it from showing back up in your query? That will drop quite a bit of change from your patch. If you do that, then I'm happy with the rest.

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

@danms isn't the whole point of the patch to delete the failed migration files from disk? As I understand it the issue is that by running lots of resize/deletes from an account a (poorly behaved) user can DoS a hypervisor. Or did I misunderstand something?

Oh wait. I See now.

Yeah I agree with Dan, if we change the patch so that it sets the migration entry in the DB to 'failed' but never delete it, but still call delete_instance_files() from the periodic task we make the minimal change and we avoid the RPC bump so backports are easy.

Revision history for this message
Dan Smith (danms) wrote :

I think the issue is that we can leave residue of previous instances on disk if the migrations error out, which could leak information. The actual act of deleting the records in the database is unrelated, AFAICT. It's just done so that the next run of the periodic task will not re-find the error'd migrations. Changing the state of those migrations so they don't match is easier, less code, etc.

Revision history for this message
Tushar Patil (tpatil) wrote :

I agree with your opinion. We have started preparing for these changes and will upload a new patch very soon.

Revision history for this message
Rajesh Tailor (rajesh-tailor) wrote :

Hi All,

Please find the attached patch 0001-Delete-orphaned-instance-files-from-compute-nodes.patch, which is modified version of patch attached in comment #49.

In new patch I have addressed Dan's comment (refer #53) about instead of deleting the migration record, mark the migration as failed.

Please review the patch and let me know your suggestions.

Revision history for this message
Dan Smith (danms) wrote :

I think that I'm okay with the patch as it is now (in #57). It could still use some cleanup, but let's get this merged into the tree and then we can do some follow-up to tidy a bit.

Revision history for this message
John Garbutt (johngarbutt) wrote :

+1 to dan's comments, it seems like a reasonable extension to the existing delete instance clean up logic, for the case of migrations.

I would prefer to loop around the instance_uuid, fetching each instance, rather than getting the full list, but we can debate that after we get it merged.

I do wonder if there are more things that might need cleaning up for partial transfers with other drivers, but I think this works for libvirt at least.

Revision history for this message
Rajesh Tailor (rajesh-tailor) wrote :

Hi all,

Thanks for reviewing and accepting the patch.

As I am not much familiar with security bugs i.e. how it will be merged into repository ?

Should I submit the patch to gerrit or someone from security team will do that on my behalf ?

Please give your suggestions.

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

While the information type is still "private security" please don't push any related changes to Gerrit. At the time of the coordinated disclosure, when the security advisory is sent, you can push your change to Gerrit if you expect to be awake and around at that time. Otherwise one of the Nova security reviewers or a member of the Vulnerability Management Team may do so on your behalf.

For now, however, it doesn't look like we've even scheduled a disclosure date (it's still missing backports to all the supported stable branches) so please just continue attaching patches to this private bug.

Michael Still (mikal)
Changed in nova:
assignee: nobody → Michael Still (mikalstill)
Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

This patch looks good to me. It would be nice for it to have some tests though. I have patched this into a local repo and can confirm that tox passes as well.

@Rajesh -- is it possible for you to write a unit test for at the least the periodic task?


Revision history for this message
Rajesh Tailor (rajesh-tailor) wrote :

Hi Michael,

I am working on writing unit test for periodic task.

Once it is done, I will attach updated patch.

Revision history for this message
Rajesh Tailor (rajesh-tailor) wrote :

Hi Michale,

Please find the attached patch. In this patch I have added unit tests for periodic task.

Please review and let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thank you!

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

This patch looks good to me, but I wanted to make some tweaks to the unit test:

 - we don't use doc comments in unit test methods for reasons too boring to repeat
 - I added an instance without a migration to the unit test as well

I'll ping Dan and Tony to review this once I hit submit.

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

And the patch

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

I'm not convinced the test cases are correct but they're close enough that we can fix them in master later.


Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

Great, can you post a single patch (using git format-patch) for master ?

Can it be backported easily ?

Revision history for this message
Rajesh Tailor (rajesh-tailor) wrote :

Hi Tristan,

I have created patch (using git format-patch) for master. The change in this patch is same as patch attached in comment #67.

Please find attached patch.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@nova-coresec, please review last proposed patch

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

This also needs backports to Juno and Kilo.

Revision history for this message
Dan Smith (danms) wrote :

+2 on the current patch. I didn't examine the tests closely, but if they pass, agree that we can fix them post-merge.

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

The backport to Kilo is trivial, the Juno one is a little more complex.

Tony Breeds (o-tony)
no longer affects: nova/icehouse
Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

Juno backport. This isn't a simple cherry-pick but the changes aren;t complex and are due
1) tests moving in kilo
2) in kilo nova/objects/base.py has "obj_as_admin()" that's not in Juno

Passes (nova) tox -epy27,pep8
Tempest didn't pass. It failed differently on 3 runs so I'm confused.

I'll try to build a Juno multi-compute stack early next week to perform additional checks.

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

KIlo backport. This is a simple cherry-pick from master

Passes (nova) tox -epy27,pep8
Tempest didn't pass. It failed differently on 3 runs so I'm confused.

I'll try to build a Kilo multi-compute stack early next week to perform additional checks.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@nova-coresec, please review proposed patch.

Here is the updated impact description (removing Icehouse from affected releases):

Title: Nova instance delete in resize state may leak
Reporter: George Shuklin (Webzilla LTD) and Tushar Patil (NTT DATA, Inc)
Products: Nova
Affects: 2014.2 versions through 2014.2.3, and version 2015.1.0

George Shuklin from Webzilla LTD and Tushar Patil from NTT DATA, Inc independently reported a vulnerability in Nova resize state. If an authenticated user deletes an instance while it is in resize state, it will cause the original instance to not be deleted from the compute node it was running on. An attacker can use this to launch a denial of service attack. All Nova setups are affected.

Revision history for this message
Grant Murphy (gmurphy) wrote :

+1 impact description.

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

Should now be "Affects: versions through 2014.2.3, and version 2015.1.0". Other than that, the updated impact description looks good to me.

Changed in ossa:
status: Triaged → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

Patch proposed in comment #70 (liberty), #76 (kilo) and #75 (juno) all succeed run_tests.sh here...
Can we please get another nova core review before setting a disclosure date ?

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

@Tristan: run_tests.sh or run_tempest.sh ?
@mikal, @dan: Comments on my backports?

summary: Deleting instance while resize instance is running leads to unuseable
- compute nodes
+ compute nodes (CVE-2015-3280)
Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : Re: Deleting instance while resize instance is running leads to unuseable compute nodes (CVE-2015-3280)

Tony, I only ran unit test (run_tests.sh)

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

For the impact description in comment #77, let's try to avoid non-vulnerability-related uses of the overloaded term "leak" to reduce confusion. How about switching the title to something like "Nova may fail to delete images in resize state".

Revision history for this message
Grant Murphy (gmurphy) wrote :

Could we get a nova core to +2 these patches so we can set the disclosure date etc?

Revision history for this message
Dan Smith (danms) wrote :

The backports look okay to me, as best I can tell without seeing test runs (which is not very well). Sounds like tony is still seeing tempest failures on the kilo one. Not sure what to say about that.

Revision history for this message
Tushar Patil (tpatil) wrote :

We will run tempest tests against stable/kilo after applying kilo cherrypicked patch attached to comment#76 and see if we can find out any issues.

Revision history for this message
Rajesh Tailor (rajesh-tailor) wrote :

Hi Tony,

A) I have ran tempest tests on stable/kilo without applying security patch attached in comment #76.
In this case, following 7 tempest test were failing.

1) tempest.api.network.test_metering_extensions.MeteringIpV6TestJSON
2) tempest.api.network.test_metering_extensions.MeteringTestJSON
3) tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_ec2_instance_run.InstanceRunTest
4) tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_s3_buckets.S3BucketsTest.test_create_and_get_delete_bucket[id-4678525d-8da0-4518-81c1-f1f67d595b00]
5) tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_s3_buckets.S3BucketsTest
6) tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_s3_ec2_images.S3ImagesTest
7) tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_s3_objects.S3BucketsTest.test_create_get_delete_object[id-4eea567a-b46a-405b-a475-6097e1faebde]

B) When I ran tempest tests after applying security patch (attached in comment # 76) on stable/kilo, in that case also above mentioned tests were failing.

Could you please share which tempest tests were failing in your stable/kilo environment, so that I can analyze whether these tests are failing because of proposed changes or not ?

Revision history for this message
Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) wrote :

Hi Tony,

Any updates on the failures. Till then could we get a nova core to +2 these patches?

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

Hi all,
 I did some testing yesterday on the juno and kilo backports and for both branches I see a similar (though not identical) set of failures
I get either 7 or 11 failures of these I'm ignoring the tempest.thirdparty.boto.* tests. In both cases I don't see a change in the failure rates with the appropriate patch applied.

However that's all done with an all-in-one devstack setup. I think It's important to test with a multi-node setup. (which I'm doing now)

Once I've completed those tests I'll post a rebased set of patches.


Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :
Download full text (3.9 KiB)

Results from testing

balder:tmp tony8129$ cat master.log-summary

balder:tmp tony8129$ cat master-patched.log-summary

The delta looks like:
--- master.log-summary 2015-08-17 16:35:21.000000000 +1000
+++ master-patched.log-summary 2015-08-17 16:35:21.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,0 +2...


Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :
Download full text (3.2 KiB)

Results form testing:

balder:tmp tony8129$ cat master-patched.log-summary

balder:tmp tony8129$ cat kilo-patched.log-summary

--- kilo.log-summary 2015-08-17 16:35:21.000000000 +1000
+++ kilo-patched.log-summary 2015-08-17 16:35:21.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
@@ -6,0 +3 @@


Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

balder:tmp tony8129$ cat juno.log-summary

balder:tmp tony8129$ cat juno-patched.log-summary

--- juno.log-summary 2015-08-17 16:35:21.000000000 +1000
+++ juno-patched.log-summary 2015-08-17 16:35:21.000000000 +1000
@@ -3,3 +3 @@
@@ -6,0 +5,2 @@
@@ -8 +8 @@

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

I haven't looked at the logs in detail yet as collecting the data took longer than expected.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@nova-coresec, please review last proposed patch

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

All three patches succeed ./run_tests.sh here.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

@nova-coresec, we need someone to approve the proposed patch before moving on this bug, please review patch in comments #90, #91 and #92

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

All three patches look reasonable to me.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

Here is the updated impact description (fixing affected version and including comment #83 suggestions):

Title: Nova may fail to delete images in resize state
Reporter: George Shuklin (Webzilla LTD) and Tushar Patil (NTT DATA, Inc)
Products: Nova
Affects: 2014.2 versions through 2014.2.3, and 2015.1 versions through 2015.1.1

George Shuklin from Webzilla LTD and Tushar Patil from NTT DATA, Inc independently reported a vulnerability in Nova resize state. If an authenticated user deletes an instance while it is in resize state, it will cause the original instance to not be deleted from the compute node it was running on. An attacker can use this to launch a denial of service attack. All Nova setups are affected.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

Proposed disclosure date:
2015-09-01, 1500UTC

Changed in ossa:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
information type: Private Security → Public Security
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to nova (master)

Fix proposed to branch: master
Review: https://review.openstack.org/219299

Changed in nova:
assignee: Michael Still (mikalstill) → Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray)
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to nova (stable/kilo)

Fix proposed to branch: stable/kilo
Review: https://review.openstack.org/219300

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to nova (stable/juno)

Fix proposed to branch: stable/juno
Review: https://review.openstack.org/219301

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to nova (master)

Reviewed: https://review.openstack.org/219299
Committed: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/commit/?id=18d6b5cc79973fc553daf7a92f22cce4dc0ca013
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master

commit 18d6b5cc79973fc553daf7a92f22cce4dc0ca013
Author: Rajesh Tailor <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 4 05:05:19 2015 -0800

    Delete orphaned instance files from compute nodes

    While resizing/revert-resizing instance, if instance gets deleted
    in between, then instance files remains either on the source or
    destination compute node.

    To address this issue, added a new periodic task
    '_cleanup_incomplete_migrations' which takes care of deleting
    instance files from source/destination compute nodes and then
    mark migration record as failed so that it doesn't appear again
    in the next periodic task run.


    Closes-Bug: 1392527
    Change-Id: I9866d8e32e99b9f907921f4b226edf7b62bd83a7

Changed in nova:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Changed in nova:
milestone: none → liberty-3
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to nova (stable/kilo)

Reviewed: https://review.openstack.org/219300
Committed: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/commit/?id=5642b17cf4a18543f02a29ddaf4ab1b8d9819b76
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo

commit 5642b17cf4a18543f02a29ddaf4ab1b8d9819b76
Author: Rajesh Tailor <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 4 05:05:19 2015 -0800

    Delete orphaned instance files from compute nodes

    While resizing/revert-resizing instance, if instance gets deleted
    in between, then instance files remains either on the source or
    destination compute node.

    To address this issue, added a new periodic task
    '_cleanup_incomplete_migrations' which takes care of deleting
    instance files from source/destination compute nodes and then
    mark migration record as failed so that it doesn't appear again
    in the next periodic task run.


    Closes-Bug: 1392527
    Change-Id: I9866d8e32e99b9f907921f4b226edf7b62bd83a7
    (cherry picked from commit 18d6b5cc79973fc553daf7a92f22cce4dc0ca013)

summary: - Deleting instance while resize instance is running leads to unuseable
- compute nodes (CVE-2015-3280)
+ [OSSA 2015-017] Deleting instance while resize instance is running leads
+ to unuseable compute nodes (CVE-2015-3280)
Matthew Booth (mbooth-9)
Changed in nova:
status: Fix Released → New
Revision history for this message
Matthew Booth (mbooth-9) wrote :

A fix for this issue has been released, but I don't believe it addresses the CVE. The essence of the CVE is that by manipulating a race condition a malicious authenticated user can cause a compute host to run out of disk space. The fix is to periodically clean up the disk space. This fix means that a malicious authenticated user can still waste disk space during the interval of the periodic task. With automation, this is still likely to be a lot.

Contrast this with change Ie03acc00a7c904aec13c90ae6a53938d08e5e0c9 . In this instance, we decided that the ability for a malicious authenticated user to waste disk space for any period of time was a security bug, which we closed. The fix for this CVE is not consistent.

I note that although this race condition is somewhat complicated, it is not described anywhere in either the commit message or code comments of the accepted fix. I will describe it here:


On src compute:
1. Copy instance files from src to dest
2. Set instance.host == dest
3. Cast finish_resize on dest

On dest compute:
4. Set instance.vm_state = RESIZED

DELETE, on api:
1. If instance.vm_state == RESIZED: confirm_resized()
2. Call terminate_instance on instance.host

If delete is called between resize steps 1 and 2, delete will be called on src because instance.host has not yet been updated. As vm_state != RESIZED, confirm_resized will not be called, and files will be left on dest.

If delete is called between resize steps 2 and 4, delete will be called on dest, because instance.host has been updated. As vm_state != RESIZED, confirm_resized will not be called, and files will be left on src.

It should be possible to fix this properly by closing the race condition. The periodic task might remain, but would be redundant in normal operation. The outline of the fix is:

* Remove the confirm_resized call from nova api delete.
* Add a synchronized(instance.uuid) block around RESIZE steps 2 and 3 above (yes, including the cast).
* Add a synchronized(instance.uuid) block around finish_resize
* Add check inside the synchronized blocks in finish_resize for deleted. Fail if deleted.
* Add check inside do_terminate_instance for current migration. If current migration, also cleanup other node following current periodic task.

Revision history for this message
Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote :

Thanks Matthew for digging that out!

Your scenario seems correct in theory, but is it a race someone can win in practice ?

Is there a reason why the Nova bug report is still New ?

Revision history for this message
Anna Sortland (annasort) wrote :

Are we expecting more code changes in nova to address this CVE?

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

It looks like Matthew has changed the status of the bug from fix released to new in an attempt to solicit further input from nova developers, but ultimately this should I think be opened as a separate bug report. If the described scenario can be confirmed exploitable then the VMT would end up requesting a new CVE for an incomplete/partial fix instead.

Revision history for this message
Tony Breeds (o-tony) wrote :

I think this can (and should) be moved back to fix released:

the related issues are being tracked in https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1501808

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to nova (stable/juno)

Reviewed: https://review.openstack.org/219301
Committed: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/commit/?id=fa72fb8b51d59e04913c871539cee98a3da79058
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno

commit fa72fb8b51d59e04913c871539cee98a3da79058
Author: Rajesh Tailor <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 4 05:05:19 2015 -0800

    Delete orphaned instance files from compute nodes

    While resizing/revert-resizing instance, if instance gets deleted
    in between, then instance files remains either on the source or
    destination compute node.

    To address this issue, added a new periodic task
    '_cleanup_incomplete_migrations' which takes care of deleting
    instance files from source/destination compute nodes and then
    mark migration record as failed so that it doesn't appear again
    in the next periodic task run.


    Closes-Bug: 1392527
    Change-Id: I9866d8e32e99b9f907921f4b226edf7b62bd83a7
    (cherry picked from commit 18d6b5cc79973fc553daf7a92f22cce4dc0ca013)

Changed in ossa:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Matthew Booth (mbooth-9) wrote :

Hi, I changed the status because I wanted it documented somewhere. I felt that it made more sense to re-open the existing bug than open a new one because the original bug still exists. It was quite a lot of work to first determine what the problem was that the original patch was trying to fix[1], and then convince myself that it was not fixed, and I wanted to ensure that was recorded somewhere. I am not, however, immediately about to work on this myself.

[1] Better commit messages, please!

Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Changed in nova:
milestone: liberty-3 → 12.0.0
Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Changed in nova:
status: New → Fix Released
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