Activity log for bug #1560471

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2016-03-22 12:29:45 dennis bug added bug
2016-03-22 12:30:13 dennis affects dropping-letters notes-app
2016-03-22 12:31:19 dennis description Hi, Ubuntu Notes app 1.4.302 crashes often on Aquaris E4.5 OTA9.1. 1. run Notes App 2. scroll down the Notes (more than 15) 3. crash 1. run Notes App 2. scroll down the Notes (more than 15) 2. scroll up the Notes (more than 15) 4. crash 1. run Notes App 2. open a longer Note 3. scroll down 4. crash Normal if i do this more the once then it work. But very often it cashes. Hi, Ubuntu Notes app 1.4.302 crashes often on Aquaris E4.5 15.04 (OTA9.1). 1. run Notes App 2. scroll down the Notes (more than 15) 3. crash 1. run Notes App 2. scroll down the Notes (more than 15) 2. scroll up the Notes (more than 15) 4. crash 1. run Notes App 2. open a longer Note 3. scroll down 4. crash Normal if i do this more the once then it work. But very often it cashes.
2016-03-23 09:01:48 dennis summary Notes app - crash often Notes app - crash often when swipe
2016-03-23 09:02:23 dennis description Hi, Ubuntu Notes app 1.4.302 crashes often on Aquaris E4.5 15.04 (OTA9.1). 1. run Notes App 2. scroll down the Notes (more than 15) 3. crash 1. run Notes App 2. scroll down the Notes (more than 15) 2. scroll up the Notes (more than 15) 4. crash 1. run Notes App 2. open a longer Note 3. scroll down 4. crash Normal if i do this more the once then it work. But very often it cashes. Hi, Ubuntu Notes app 1.4.302 crashes often on Aquaris E4.5 15.04 (OTA9.1). 1. run Notes App 2. scroll/swipe down the Notes (more than 15) 3. crash 1. run Notes App 2. scroll/swipe down the Notes (more than 15) 2. scroll/swipe up the Notes (more than 15) 4. crash 1. run Notes App 2. open a longer Note 3. scroll/swipe down 4. crash Normal if i do this more the once then it work. But very often it cashes.