I have created a special build of NitroShare that statically links against QJson and qxmlrpc. I have uploaded both 32 and 64 bit RPM packages which you can find on the downloads page.
Note: you may need to adjust your firewall. Please see this page for more details: http://quickmediasolutions.com/blog/8/how-to-run-nitroshare-on-fedora-17
I have created a special build of NitroShare that statically links against QJson and qxmlrpc. I have uploaded both 32 and 64 bit RPM packages which you can find on the downloads page.
Note: you may need to adjust your firewall. Please see this page for more details: http:// quickmediasolut ions.com/ blog/8/ how-to- run-nitroshare- on-fedora- 17