Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/juno
commit dd5728125f36b1f6e97893765905659184e66c0e Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden> Date: Wed Oct 22 13:04:03 2014 -0700
Big Switch: Switch to TLSv1 in server manager
Switch to TLSv1 for the connections to the backend controllers. The default SSLv3 is no longer considered secure.
TLSv1 was chosen over .1 or .2 because the .1 and .2 weren't added until python 2.7.9 so TLSv1 is the only compatible option for py26.
Closes-Bug: #1384487 Change-Id: I68bd72fc4d90a102003d9ce48c47a4a6a3dd6e03 (cherry picked from commit 62588957fbeccfb4f80eaa72bef2b86b6f08dcf8)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/130396 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=dd5728125f3 6b1f6e978937659 05659184e66c0e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno
commit dd5728125f36b1f 6e9789376590565 9184e66c0e
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 22 13:04:03 2014 -0700
Big Switch: Switch to TLSv1 in server manager
Switch to TLSv1 for the connections to the backend
controllers. The default SSLv3 is no longer considered
TLSv1 was chosen over .1 or .2 because the .1 and .2 weren't
added until python 2.7.9 so TLSv1 is the only compatible option
for py26.
Closes-Bug: #1384487 02003d9ce48c47a 4a6a3dd6e03 4f80eaa72bef2b8 6b6f08dcf8)
Change-Id: I68bd72fc4d90a1
(cherry picked from commit 62588957fbeccfb