commit e34ba304370aca6cbcc1c5ce4c8fc1cd4f7044e5
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 28 21:39:04 2014 -0700
Big Switch: Fix SSL version on get_server_cert
The ssl.get_server_certificate method uses SSLv3 by default.
Support for SSLv3 was dropped on the backend controller in
response to the POODLE vulnerability. This patch fixes it
to use TLSv1 like the wrap_socket method.
Closes-Bug: #1384487
Change-Id: I9cb5f219d327d62168bef2d7dbee22534b2e454e
(cherry picked from commit 77e283c94f51e21dcf126a316098c54a7cdfca0f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/131964 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=e34ba304370 aca6cbcc1c5ce4c 8fc1cd4f7044e5
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit e34ba304370aca6 cbcc1c5ce4c8fc1 cd4f7044e5
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 28 21:39:04 2014 -0700
Big Switch: Fix SSL version on get_server_cert
The ssl.get_ server_ certificate method uses SSLv3 by default.
Support for SSLv3 was dropped on the backend controller in
response to the POODLE vulnerability. This patch fixes it
to use TLSv1 like the wrap_socket method.
Closes-Bug: #1384487 2168bef2d7dbee2 2534b2e454e dcf126a316098c5 4a7cdfca0f)
Change-Id: I9cb5f219d327d6
(cherry picked from commit 77e283c94f51e21