It seems that when there are 2 subnets using different segments created on same network, it can cause race condition and one of the green threads will expect tap port to be there but other will treat it as "stale" device and will remove it from namespace.
It causes failures in the neutron.tests.fullstack.test_multisegs.TestMultiSegs.test_multi_segs_network pretty often.
Stacktrace example:
ft1.1: neutron.tests.fullstack.test_multisegs.TestMultiSegs.test_multi_segs_network(Open vSwitch Agent)testtools.testresult.real._StringException: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 743, in wait_until_true
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 36, in sleep
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 313, in switch
return self.greenlet.switch()
eventlet.timeout.Timeout: 60 seconds
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 182, in func
return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 146, in test_multi_segs_network
self.vm1 = self._spawn_vm(neutron_port=self.port1)
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 65, in _spawn_vm
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 217, in block_until_dhcp_config_done
File "/home/zuul/src/", line 747, in wait_until_true
raise exception
neutron.tests.common.machine_fixtures.FakeMachineException: Address or gateway not configured properly on port portbc2128
Failure example:
Some more log examples: /opensearch. logs.openstack. org/_dashboards /app/discover/ ?security_ tenant= global# /?_g=(filters: !(),refreshInte rval:(pause: !t,value: 0),time: (from:now- 30d,to: now))&_ a=(columns: !(_source) ,filters: !(),index: '94869730- aea8-11ec- 9e6a-83741af3fd cd',interval: auto,query: (language: kuery,query: 'message: %22in%20test_ multi_segs_ network% 22'),sort: !())