3) Re-starting the neutron server and then creating a server:
$ openstack server create --flavor m1.nano --image 49d88d48-15a9-47be-8a7d-a9764f4e642c --security-group test --network private test -c id -f yaml
id: fac57b1b-f712-44a2-88e6-00a0f13d5906
$ openstack server list -c Networks -f yaml
- Networks:
- fda7:e83f:3098:0:f816:3eff:feab:e581
4) Then I get in the nbdb:
$ sudo ovn-nbctl list dns
_uuid : a0ea42b1-0995-4b42-b88f-2c716cb57267
external_ids : {ls_name=neutron-1a2837f9-289e-407a-93d4-bdec59e09316}
records : {""=red-1.my-domain.org, ""=red-2.my-domain.org, red-1="", red-1.my-domain.org="", red-2="", red-2.my-domain.org=""}
So, the new instance got a port with the new value for dns_domain in neutron.conf. The entries in nbdb that were there before changing dns_domain preserved their value. Seems to me the correct behavior and I suspect it is the same in Ussuri. Did you try creating a new instance?
Marking it as incomplete for now. Please feel free to provide further info
I'm testing with master branch in devstack:
1) If I start with my-domain.org in neutron.conf I get:
$ sudo ovn-nbctl list dns 0995-4b42- b88f-2c716cb572 67 neutron- 1a2837f9- 289e-407a- 93d4-bdec59e093 16} 0.10.in- addr.arpa" =red-1. my-domain. org, "12.0.0. 10.in-addr. arpa"=red- 2.my-domain. org, red-1="", red-1.my- domain. org="10. 0.0.11" , red-2="", red-2.my- domain. org="10. 0.0.12" }
_uuid : a0ea42b1-
external_ids : {ls_name=
records : {"11.0.
_uuid : b0e85319- 194a-4563- b51c-6b5e035165 b7 neutron- 241f9a69- c921-447c- af35-c199431627 4b}
external_ids : {ls_name=
records : {}
_uuid : 3cd62b8b- 3700-409f- 993c-2f2c31492f 2d neutron- d0091d63- b31c-407f- a0f6-56d91afa8e 07} 0.20.in- addr.arpa" =blue-1. my-domain. org, "12.0.0. 20.in-addr. arpa"=blue- 2.my-domain. org, blue-1="", blue-1. my-domain. org="20. 0.0.11" , blue-2="", blue-2. my-domain. org="20. 0.0.12" }
external_ids : {ls_name=
records : {"11.0.
2) Changing dns_domain in neutron.conf to my-domain-1.org:
$ grep -r dns_domain /etc/neutron/ neutron. conf
dns_domain = my-domain-1.org
3) Re-starting the neutron server and then creating a server:
$ openstack server create --flavor m1.nano --image 49d88d48- 15a9-47be- 8a7d-a9764f4e64 2c --security-group test --network private test -c id -f yaml f712-44a2- 88e6-00a0f13d59 06
id: fac57b1b-
$ openstack server list -c Networks -f yaml 3098:0: f816:3eff: feab:e581
- Networks:
- fda7:e83f:
4) Then I get in the nbdb:
$ sudo ovn-nbctl list dns 0995-4b42- b88f-2c716cb572 67 neutron- 1a2837f9- 289e-407a- 93d4-bdec59e093 16} 0.10.in- addr.arpa" =red-1. my-domain. org, "12.0.0. 10.in-addr. arpa"=red- 2.my-domain. org, red-1="", red-1.my- domain. org="10. 0.0.11" , red-2="", red-2.my- domain. org="10. 0.0.12" }
_uuid : a0ea42b1-
external_ids : {ls_name=
records : {"11.0.
_uuid : b0e85319- 194a-4563- b51c-6b5e035165 b7 neutron- 241f9a69- c921-447c- af35-c199431627 4b} e.b.a.e. f.f.f.e. f.0.0.0. 3.f.3.8. e.7.a.d. f.ip6.arpa" =test.my- domain- 1.org, "37.0.0. 10.in-addr. arpa"=test. my-domain- 1.org, test=" fda7:e83f: 3098:0: f816:3eff: feab:e581" , test.my- domain- 1.org=" 10.0.0. 37 fda7:e83f: 3098:0: f816:3eff: feab:e581" }
external_ids : {ls_name=
records : {"1.8.5.
_uuid : 3cd62b8b- 3700-409f- 993c-2f2c31492f 2d neutron- d0091d63- b31c-407f- a0f6-56d91afa8e 07} 0.20.in- addr.arpa" =blue-1. my-domain. org, "12.0.0. 20.in-addr. arpa"=blue- 2.my-domain. org, blue-1="", blue-1. my-domain. org="20. 0.0.11" , blue-2="", blue-2. my-domain. org="20. 0.0.12" }
external_ids : {ls_name=
records : {"11.0.
So, the new instance got a port with the new value for dns_domain in neutron.conf. The entries in nbdb that were there before changing dns_domain preserved their value. Seems to me the correct behavior and I suspect it is the same in Ussuri. Did you try creating a new instance?
Marking it as incomplete for now. Please feel free to provide further info