So there was only one port 13c6ac02-b1fa-4d8a-90e4-bdb3a4dd8a36 involved. From nova perspective the port was created then bound to the compute then the vif was plugged from nova side. Then nova waited for the network-vif-plugged event that is not received within the 300 sec timeout. From the timestamps and the port ID the networking folks should be able to dig into the neutron logs to see the reason.
Based on the logs this does not seems to be a nova bug.
@Oleg: thanks for the logs. Here is the relevant part of it:
$ egrep -e 'Starting instance. .|Successfully created port:|Successfully updated port|Preparing to wait for external event network- vif-plugged- |Received event|nova. virt.libvirt. vif.* plug|Timeout waiting for' nova-compute- debug-log manager [req-be79d0ca- 7aaf-4514- 96b5-ec553777a3 22 f08d31bec4e648e 0a70a7a6df4eeea 0e 1c168227db7d405 3abb49960a60331 24 - default default] [instance: 71971196- 9aea-42bb- 9a33-7f0dcff07c 90] Starting instance... _do_build_ and_run_ instance /var/lib/ kolla/venv/ lib/python3. 6/site- packages/ nova/compute/ manager. py:2197 neutron [req-be79d0ca- 7aaf-4514- 96b5-ec553777a3 22 f08d31bec4e648e 0a70a7a6df4eeea 0e 1c168227db7d405 3abb49960a60331 24 - default default] [instance: 71971196- 9aea-42bb- 9a33-7f0dcff07c 90] Successfully created port: 13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36 _create_ port_minimal /var/lib/ kolla/venv/ lib/python3. 6/site- packages/ nova/network/ neutron. py:533 neutron [req-be79d0ca- 7aaf-4514- 96b5-ec553777a3 22 f08d31bec4e648e 0a70a7a6df4eeea 0e 1c168227db7d405 3abb49960a60331 24 - default default] [instance: 71971196- 9aea-42bb- 9a33-7f0dcff07c 90] Successfully updated port: 13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36 _update_port /var/lib/ kolla/venv/ lib/python3. 6/site- packages/ nova/network/ neutron. py:571 manager [req-be79d0ca- 7aaf-4514- 96b5-ec553777a3 22 f08d31bec4e648e 0a70a7a6df4eeea 0e 1c168227db7d405 3abb49960a60331 24 - default default] [instance: 71971196- 9aea-42bb- 9a33-7f0dcff07c 90] Preparing to wait for external event network- vif-plugged- 13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36 prepare_ for_instance_ event /var/lib/ kolla/venv/ lib/python3. 6/site- packages/ nova/compute/ manager. py:281 libvirt. vif [req-be79d0ca- 7aaf-4514- 96b5-ec553777a3 22 f08d31bec4e648e 0a70a7a6df4eeea 0e 1c168227db7d405 3abb49960a60331 24 - default default] vif_type=ovs instance= Instance( access_ ip_v4=None, access_ ip_v6=None, architecture= None,auto_ disk_config= False,availabil ity_zone= 'nova', cell_name= None,cleaned= False,config_ drive=' ',created_ at=2022- 04-27T19: 01:02Z, default_ ephemeral_ device= None,default_ swap_device= None,deleted= False,deleted_ at=None, device_ metadata= None,disable_ terminate= False,display_ description= 's_rally_ b673429f_ y9geXNk8' ,display_ name='s_ rally_b673429f_ y9geXNk8' ,ec2_ids= EC2Ids, ephemeral_ gb=0,ephemeral_ key_uuid= None,fault= <?>,flavor= Flavor( 525),hidden= False,host= 'cmp01. dev.example. com',hostname= 's-rally- b673429f- y9gexnk8' ,id=4143, image_ref= 'd0842e59- 243a-4a8b- b092-7f3ff67b86 2e',info_ cache=InstanceI nfoCache, instance_ type_id= 525,kernel_ id='',key_ data=None, key_name= None,keypairs= KeyPairList, launch_ index=0, launched_ at=None, launched_ on='cmp01. dev.example. com',locked= False,locked_ by=None, memory_ mb=1024, metadata= {},migration_ context= None,new_ flavor= None,node= 'cmp01. dev.example. com',numa_ topology= None,old_ flavor= None,os_ type='linux' ,pci_devices= PciDeviceList, pci_requests= InstancePCIRequ ests,power_ state=0, progress= 0,project_ id='1c168227db7 d4053abb49960a6 033124' ,ramdisk_ id='',reservati on_id=' r-9i0hurwj' ,resources= None,root_ device_ name='/ dev/vda' ,root_gb= 1,security_ groups= SecurityGroupLi st,services= <?>,shutdown_ terminate= False,system_ metadata= {boot_roles= 'reader, member' ,image_ base_image_ ref='d0842e59- 243a-4a8b- b092-7f3ff67b86 2e',image_ container_ format= 'bare', image_disk_ format= 'qcow2' ,image_ hw_machine_ type='pc' ,image_ min_disk= '1',image_ min_ram= '0',image_ os_type= 'linux' ,image_ owner_specified .openstack. md5='', image_owner_ specified. openstack. object= 'images/ Cirros- 0.5.2', image_owner_ specified. openstack. sha256= '',network_ allocated= 'True', owner_project_ name='c_ rally_b673429f_ 9DrFtYSf' ,owner_ user_name= 'c_rally_ b673429f_ r952EXk9' },tags= TagList, task_state= 'spawning' ,terminated_ at=None, trusted_ certs=None, updated_ at=2022- 04-27T19: 01:03Z, user_data= None,user_ id='f08d31bec4e 648e0a70a7a6df4 eeea0e' ,uuid=71971196- 9aea-42bb- 9a33-7f0dcff07c 90,vcpu_ model=VirtCPUMo del,vcpus= 1,vm_mode= None,vm_ state=' building' ) vif={"id": "13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36", "address": "fa:16: 3e:b1:c2: c1", "network": {"id": "0c6f5ab8- 5bad-41f0- b6aa-72b98b85c1 75", "bridge": "br-int", "label": "c_rally_ b673429f_ r7h1dXHt" , "subnets": [{"cidr": "", "dns": [{"address": "", "type": "dns", "version": 4, "meta": {}}, {"address": "", "type": "dns", "version": 4, "meta": {}}], "gateway": {"address": "", "type": "gateway", "version": 4, "meta": {}}, "ips": [{"address": "", "type": "fixed", "version": 4, "meta": {}, "floating_ips": []}], "routes": [], "version": 4, "meta": {"dhcp_server": ""}}], "meta": {"injected": false, "tenant_id": "1c168227db7d40 53abb49960a6033 124", "mtu": 1450, "physical_network": null, "tunneled": true}}, "type": "ovs", "details": {"port_filter": true, "connectivity": "l2"}, "devname": "tap13c6ac02-b1", "ovs_interfaceid": "13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36", "qbh_params": null, "qbg_params": null, "active": false, "vnic_type": "normal", "profile": {}, "preserve_ on_delete" : false, "delegate_create": true, "meta": {}} plug /var/lib/ kolla/venv/ lib/python3. 6/site- packages/ nova/virt/ libvirt/ 721 manager [req-86b71455- 579c-4a53- b946-83bc6a7109 40 302de995f0ee4a5 2b12c4bfb456eff 74 7b7fdf198f67439 7ae0a9e7038b6cc 07 - default default] [instance: 71971196- 9aea-42bb- 9a33-7f0dcff07c 90] Received event network- changed- 13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36 external_ instance_ event /var/lib/ kolla/venv/ lib/python3. 6/site- packages/ nova/compute/ manager. py:10483 libvirt. driver [req-be79d0ca- 7aaf-4514- 96b5-ec553777a3 22 f08d31bec4e648e 0a70a7a6df4eeea 0e 1c168227db7d405 3abb49960a60331 24 - default default] [instance: 71971196- 9aea-42bb- 9a33-7f0dcff07c 90] Timeout waiting for [('network- vif-plugged' , '13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36')] for instance with vm_state building and task_state spawning: eventlet. timeout. Timeout: 300 seconds
2022-04-27 22:01:03.119 7 DEBUG nova.compute.
2022-04-27 22:01:04.215 7 DEBUG
2022-04-27 22:01:05.291 7 DEBUG
2022-04-27 22:01:05.792 7 DEBUG nova.compute.
2022-04-27 22:01:05.795 7 DEBUG nova.virt.
2022-04-27 22:01:07.209 7 DEBUG nova.compute.
2022-04-27 22:06:06.825 7 WARNING nova.virt.
So there was only one port 13c6ac02- b1fa-4d8a- 90e4-bdb3a4dd8a 36 involved. From nova perspective the port was created then bound to the compute then the vif was plugged from nova side. Then nova waited for the network-vif-plugged event that is not received within the 300 sec timeout. From the timestamps and the port ID the networking folks should be able to dig into the neutron logs to see the reason.
Based on the logs this does not seems to be a nova bug.