Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/kilo
commit ec2c340c2fc8fdfbaeb00c15370c889c15fa688e Author: Romil Gupta <email address hidden> Date: Thu Aug 27 08:04:48 2015 -0700
Enable SSL certificate check for vCenter connection
Currently, OVSvApp doesn't use ca-cert for making vCenter server connection from OVSvApp agent.
This patch attempts to bring in SSL support for vCenter connections in OVSvApp agent.
(Cherry-picked from commit 0ffa11bb40290218ff4159b9772ac32549f2c522)
Change-Id: Id9a062b566f166735223392acb9f84dde865372e Closes-Bug: #1489499
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/219238 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ networking- vsphere/ commit/ ?id=ec2c340c2fc 8fdfbaeb00c1537 0c889c15fa688e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit ec2c340c2fc8fdf baeb00c15370c88 9c15fa688e
Author: Romil Gupta <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 27 08:04:48 2015 -0700
Enable SSL certificate check for vCenter connection
Currently, OVSvApp doesn't use ca-cert for making
vCenter server connection from OVSvApp agent.
This patch attempts to bring in SSL support for
vCenter connections in OVSvApp agent.
(Cherry-picked from commit 0ffa11bb4029021 8ff4159b9772ac3 2549f2c522)
Change-Id: Id9a062b566f166 735223392acb9f8 4dde865372e
Closes-Bug: #1489499