#4: I doubt, as it require a patched version, but considering Ubuntu kept an older version of Nautilus in 12.10... I think it might not be that far fetched. I think better long-term solution would be to change to Nemo and would be a pretty bold statement directed to Gnome team.
This together with swapping of Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+2 shortcuts and aforementioned shortcuts forcing to lose focus after changing the view even when using only keyboard, make the list view pretty unsable anyway.
#4: I doubt, as it require a patched version, but considering Ubuntu kept an older version of Nautilus in 12.10... I think it might not be that far fetched. I think better long-term solution would be to change to Nemo and would be a pretty bold statement directed to Gnome team.
This together with swapping of Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+2 shortcuts and aforementioned shortcuts forcing to lose focus after changing the view even when using only keyboard, make the list view pretty unsable anyway.