commit 35496249d19f4b3f086e14dca964edf43fe9356d
Author: Stan Lagun <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 31 00:50:34 2015 +0300
Removes early creation of Heat stack
Murano environment deployment started with empty stack
creation so that it can be done prior to keystone token expiration
for Heat to establish trusts based on user's token.
When environment does nothing with the stack (for example
all environment applications are HOT based and deploy into their
own stacks) empty stack remains. Because most applications
start their deployment with instance/other resources deployment
stack will be created early anyway. So this strategy is redundant.
Change-Id: Id8ec1df2c83f540b272ef70bd054f70de9da7715
Closes-Bug: #1473129
(cherry picked from commit fc586b949d489343de9894ec92d21990f65a1e32)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/211155 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ murano/ commit/ ?id=35496249d19 f4b3f086e14dca9 64edf43fe9356d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 35496249d19f4b3 f086e14dca964ed f43fe9356d
Author: Stan Lagun <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 31 00:50:34 2015 +0300
Removes early creation of Heat stack
Murano environment deployment started with empty stack
creation so that it can be done prior to keystone token expiration
for Heat to establish trusts based on user's token.
When environment does nothing with the stack (for example
all environment applications are HOT based and deploy into their
own stacks) empty stack remains. Because most applications
start their deployment with instance/other resources deployment
stack will be created early anyway. So this strategy is redundant.
Change-Id: Id8ec1df2c83f54 0b272ef70bd054f 70de9da7715 3de9894ec92d219 90f65a1e32)
Closes-Bug: #1473129
(cherry picked from commit fc586b949d48934