Steps to reproduce:
1. git clone
2. cd tools-sustaining/jenkins/codesync/
3. Check neutron.yaml, make sure it has your full name, account name and email in gerrit-base-uri, committer-name, committer-email fields. Change the project inside to:
- keystone:
repo: openstack/keystone
mail-to: <email address hidden>
4. python neutron.yaml --action merge_tip --downstream-branch openstack-ci/fuel-8.0/liberty --upstream-branch stable/liberty --topic sync/stable/liberty --dry-run
5. cd keystone
6. git status
7. Fix merge conflicts
8. git commit (use commit message text generated in step 4)
9. git review
10. Work with the keystone team to get this review merged
Pushed patch to review. https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/19740