Folks, as I already stated in the comment this test case involves usage of file injection, which *can* be skipped depending on the ephemeral storage used:
File injection is explicitly disabled in our Puppet manifests for RBD ephemerals:
This *must not* pass when ephemerals are stored in Ceph.
Folks, as I already stated in the comment https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/mos/ +bug/1556819/ comments/ 5
this test case involves usage of file injection, which *can* be skipped depending on the ephemeral storage used:
https:/ /github. com/openstack/ nova/blob/ master/ nova/virt/ libvirt/ driver. py#L3086- L3093
File injection is explicitly disabled in our Puppet manifests for RBD ephemerals:
http:// git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-library/ tree/deployment /puppet/ openstack_ tasks/manifests /roles/ compute. pp#n352
This *must not* pass when ephemerals are stored in Ceph.