ZFSonLinux driver fails when removing access rule

Bug #1869340 reported by Jacolex
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila)

Bug Description

When removing access rule, driver throws error:

2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server [req-934c39da-b94b-4ccd-95f7-81b25759ad92 13622fba11a84996a70019d553060c8c 8a937ac1fc3e41c6b95a83961001e06a - - -] Exception during message handling: oslo_concurrency.processutils.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.
Command: sudo exportfs -u
Exit code: 1
Stdout: ''
Stderr: "exportfs: Could not find '' to unexport.\n"
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server Traceback (most recent call last):
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/server.py", line 165, in _process_incoming
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server res = self.dispatcher.dispatch(message)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py", line 274, in dispatch
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return self._do_dispatch(endpoint, method, ctxt, args)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py", line 194, in _do_dispatch
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server result = func(ctxt, **new_args)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/manager.py", line 187, in wrapped
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/utils.py", line 568, in wrapper
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/manager.py", line 3554, in update_access
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server share_server=share_server)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/access.py", line 283, in update_access_rules
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server share_server=share_server)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/access.py", line 322, in _update_access_rules
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server share_server)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/access.py", line 390, in _update_rules_through_share_driver
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server share_server=share_server
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/driver.py", line 138, in wrap
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return f(self, context, *args, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/driver.py", line 687, in update_access
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server executor=executor)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/utils.py", line 48, in wrapped_func
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return source_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_concurrency/lockutils.py", line 328, in inner
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return f(*args, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/utils.py", line 46, in source_func
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/utils.py", line 319, in update_access
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server executor=executor,
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/utils.py", line 97, in execute
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return executor(*cmd, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/utils.py", line 97, in execute
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server return executor(*cmd, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/ganesha/utils.py", line 79, in __call__
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server ret = processutils.ssh_execute(ssh, cmd, **kwargs)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_concurrency/processutils.py", line 570, in ssh_execute
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server cmd=sanitized_cmd)
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server oslo_concurrency.processutils.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server Command: sudo exportfs -u
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server Exit code: 1
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server Stdout: ''
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server Stderr: "exportfs: Could not find '' to unexport.\n"
2020-03-26 19:35:36.482 194 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server

It seems that this part of code is responsible for that:

        # NOTE(vponomaryov): Setting of ZFS share options does not remove rules
        # that were added and then removed. So, remove them explicitly.
        if delete_rules and access_rules:
            mountpoint = self.get_zfs_option(dataset_name, 'mountpoint')
            for rule in delete_rules:
                if rule['access_type'].lower() != 'ip':
                access_to = self._get_parsed_access_to(rule['access_to'])
                export_location = access_to + ':' + mountpoint
                    'sudo', 'exportfs', '-u', export_location,

Revision history for this message
Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr) wrote :


A few questions for you:
What release version of OpenStack Manila are you running? What distribution?

At the outset, the driver shouldn't be erring on this path when attempting to delete a non-existing rule. But I'm confused as to why this rule was non-existing. We haven't seen this issue in our testing, so it'd be useful if you have the complete manila-share log that you can provide so we can backtrack and see what happened with the rule for your client (


Revision history for this message
Jacolex (jacolex) wrote :

It is Train Release.
I see that problem is with handle multiple access rules.
When there is only one access rule - no problem. Error is throwing when multple access rules are applied to a share and trying to remove one rule.
So what I see on the zfs server.

1. Create share
zfs list -o sharenfs,mountpoint /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3
off /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3

2. Add first rule.
zfs list -o sharenfs,mountpoint /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3
rw=,no_root_squash /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3

3. Add second rule.
zfs list -o sharenfs,mountpoint /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3
rw=,no_root_squash /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3

4. Remove second rule. Error throwed but the rule is removed.

Stderr: "exportfs: Could not find '' to unexport.\n"

zfs list -o sharenfs,mountpoint /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3
rw=,no_root_squash /zfspool01/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3

As you can see, there is probably problem with handling access rules on zfs, because driver is looking for '', but there was rw=,no_root_squash /zfspool0/manila_share_6f6bba49_a601_4c5b_a60c_1545af60faa3

Version of zfs storage os:
cat /etc/system-release
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

Vida Haririan (vhariria)
Changed in manila:
status: New → Triaged
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