Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/ocata
commit dacadc2afd4b5675833987ca507ac16dae55996e Author: Mathieu Velten <email address hidden> Date: Tue May 9 12:14:38 2017 +0200
Fix rexray systemd unit
* remove existing rexray containers in ExecStartPre * set volume tag to rshared * fix indentation
Closes-Bug: #1686421 Change-Id: I71ffd708baac0403dae7d8f38a073240c44e0434 (cherry picked from commit ad94578a2f5d3dd7fb6bad57cc7c741227ed5c30)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/467901 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ magnum/ commit/ ?id=dacadc2afd4 b5675833987ca50 7ac16dae55996e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/ocata
commit dacadc2afd4b567 5833987ca507ac1 6dae55996e
Author: Mathieu Velten <email address hidden>
Date: Tue May 9 12:14:38 2017 +0200
Fix rexray systemd unit
* remove existing rexray containers in ExecStartPre
* set volume tag to rshared
* fix indentation
Closes-Bug: #1686421 03dae7d8f38a073 240c44e0434 7fb6bad57cc7c74 1227ed5c30)
Change-Id: I71ffd708baac04
(cherry picked from commit ad94578a2f5d3dd