Activity log for bug #1416130

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-01-29 22:04:49 Andrii Ostapenko bug added bug
2015-01-29 22:11:22 Andrii Ostapenko description As you can see running test As you can see running test added in update with ALL_OLD return values is not atomical. Test concurrently makes 10 update item requests. Each of them updates existing item with new field. If operation is atomical, all items in response will be unique. However that is not true
2015-01-29 22:12:50 Andrii Ostapenko description As you can see running test added in update with ALL_OLD return values is not atomical. Test concurrently makes 10 update item requests. Each of them updates existing item with new field. If operation is atomical, all items in response will be unique. However that is not true As you can see running test added in update with ALL_OLD return values is not atomical. Test concurrently makes 10 update item requests. Each of them updates existing item with new field. If operation is atomical, all items in response will be unique. However that is not true ___ | | ---
2015-01-29 22:12:59 Andrii Ostapenko description As you can see running test added in update with ALL_OLD return values is not atomical. Test concurrently makes 10 update item requests. Each of them updates existing item with new field. If operation is atomical, all items in response will be unique. However that is not true ___ | | --- As you can see running test added in update with ALL_OLD return values is not atomical. Test concurrently makes 10 update item requests. Each of them updates existing item with new field. If operation is atomical, all items in response will be unique. However that is not true  ___  | |  ---
2015-01-29 22:15:01 Andrii Ostapenko description As you can see running test added in update with ALL_OLD return values is not atomical. Test concurrently makes 10 update item requests. Each of them updates existing item with new field. If operation is atomical, all items in response will be unique. However that is not true  ___  | |  --- As you can see running test added in update with ALL_OLD return values is not atomical. Test concurrently makes 10 update item requests. Each of them updates existing item with new field. If operation is atomical, all items in response will be unique. However that is not true
2015-02-04 14:14:54 Ilya Sviridov magnetodb: importance Undecided High
2015-02-04 14:14:59 Ilya Sviridov magnetodb: milestone kilo-2
2015-02-05 16:09:15 Ilya Sviridov magnetodb: milestone kilo-2 kilo-3
2015-03-20 21:08:59 Ilya Sviridov summary Update item with ALL_OLD is not atomical Update item with ALL_OLD is not atomic
2015-03-20 21:09:06 Ilya Sviridov magnetodb: milestone kilo-3 l-1