Please refer to as well
pexpect cmd and result.. for FYI
May 31 07:53:14 xtrusia sh[27020]: 2021-05-31 07:53:14 stdout: [info] Seyeong pexpect.send() : b'vol-path 9d2217b0-4433-48a7-9be9-32dc8552c498 --pool maas_guest_lvm_vg ' 41 May 31 07:53:14 xtrusia maas.drivers.pod.virsh: [info] Seyeong run : [' ', '<433-48a7-9be9-32dc8552c498 --pool maas_guest_lvm_vg', '/dev/maas_data_vg/9d2217b0-4433-48a7-9be9-32dc8552c498', '']
pexpect should return only /dev/maas_data_vg/9d2217b0-4433-48a7-9be9-32dc8552c498 but it includes part of command as well
I built python 3.6.12 3.7.10 3.8.10 as well and run maas, but there are the same issue.
Please refer to https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/maas/ +bug/1921658 as well
pexpect cmd and result.. for FYI
May 31 07:53:14 xtrusia sh[27020]: 2021-05-31 07:53:14 stdout: [info] Seyeong pexpect.send() : b'vol-path 9d2217b0- 4433-48a7- 9be9-32dc8552c4 98 --pool maas_guest_lvm_vg pod.virsh: [info] Seyeong run : [' ', '<433-48a7- 9be9-32dc8552c4 98 --pool maas_guest_lvm_vg', '/dev/maas_ data_vg/ 9d2217b0- 4433-48a7- 9be9-32dc8552c4 98', '']
' 41
May 31 07:53:14 xtrusia maas.drivers.
pexpect should return only /dev/maas_ data_vg/ 9d2217b0- 4433-48a7- 9be9-32dc8552c4 98 but it includes part of command as well
I built python 3.6.12 3.7.10 3.8.10 as well and run maas, but there are the same issue.