I hit it today when testing 3.3.0~rc2-13144-g.b2d51cb8c
2023-01-17-08:35:24 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=vault-1 cores=2 memory=4096 storage=40.0 zone=2 'interfaces=eth0:space=oam-space;eth1:space=internal-space'
2023-01-17-08:35:24 root ERROR [localhost] STDOUT follows:
Pod must be on a known host if interfaces are specified.
I hit it today when testing 3.3.0~rc2- 13144-g. b2d51cb8c
2023-01-17-08:35:24 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=vault-1 cores=2 memory=4096 storage=40.0 zone=2 'interfaces= eth0:space= oam-space; eth1:space= internal- space'
2023-01-17-08:35:24 root ERROR [localhost] STDOUT follows:
Pod must be on a known host if interfaces are specified.