user.delete can return a non-json error

Bug #1840887 reported by Kit Randel
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Calling user.delete in some instances can return a non-json error message, e.g.

"("Cannot delete some instances of model 'User' because they are referenced through a protected foreign key: 'Node.owner'", <QuerySet [<Node: rynedt (valued-trout)>, <Node: phdhmt (apt-imp)>, <Node: k3qkkc (model-shrimp)>, <Node: k33w6k (loyal-flea)>, <Node: h7tep7 (smooth-goat)>, <Node: npsbcf (comic-lizard)>, <Node: g4gy3w (heroic-aphid)>, <Node: gy3qan (boss-wren)>, <Node: qg6qyx (steady-goose)>, <Node: fgndqh (model-bug)>, <Node: 8sp3b3 (rare-ghoul)>, <Node: dmmma4 (heroic-gator)>, <Node: m6anbb (eager-goose)>, <Node: egfebe (whole-macaw)>, <Node: 788ydm (guided-wren)>, <Node: tq3p8f (rich-moose)>, <Node: p7eshp (proven-mullet)>, <Node: ma6p7c (sought-lion)>, <Node: wn4gcx (fair-shiner)>, <Node: p6mdrg (cute-adder)>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']>)"

We have better error handling in maas-ui to handle this now, but it would be nice if the error payload was consistently json.

Potentially this error should be a distinct bug as well.

Changed in maas:
importance: Undecided → Low
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in maas:
status: Confirmed → Triaged
Revision history for this message
Adam Collard (adam-collard) wrote :

Is this still happening?

tags: added: websocket-api
Changed in maas:
status: Triaged → Incomplete
summary: - [ws api] user.delete can return a non-json error
+ user.delete can return a non-json error
Revision history for this message
Jacopo Rota (r00ta) wrote (last edit ):

Yes. In order to reproduce this you can

1. initialize maas
2. create a superuser X
3. create a superuser Y
4. login with Y and create a machine
5. logout Y
6. login with X and try to delete the user Y

Here's the error on the websocket: "("Cannot delete some instances of model 'User' because they are referenced through protected foreign keys: 'Node.owner'.", {<Node: yq4cdd (fds)>})"

Changed in maas:
status: Incomplete → Triaged
Changed in maas:
milestone: none → 3.5.0
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