Pool admins shouldn't be allowed to delete the pool

Bug #1812240 reported by Björn Tillenius
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

This is with MAAS 2.5.1-7489-g2f25a2cc0-0ubuntu1~18.04.1.

I have a user that has the Admin role on a single pool.

He's allowed to delete that pool, which he shouldn't.

Only users that have the Admin role in the 'all' resource pool scope
should be allowed to delete resource pools.

The reason is that you should always be allowed to undo something.
If you have permission to delete something, you should have permission
to recreate it.

This affects both the API and the UI.

Tags: api rbac
Changed in maas:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → High
milestone: none → 2.5.1
tags: added: rbac
description: updated
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.5.1 → 2.5.2
status: Triaged → Opinion
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.5.2 → 2.5.3
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.5.3 → 2.6.0beta2
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.6.0beta2 → 2.6.0rc1
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.6.0rc1 → 2.6.0rc2
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.6.0rc2 → 2.7.0alpha1
Alberto Donato (ack)
Changed in maas:
status: Opinion → Triaged
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.7.0b1 → 2.7.0b2
Changed in maas:
milestone: 2.7.0b2 → none
summary: - [2.5, RBAC] Pool admins shouldn't be allowed to delete the pool
+ Pool admins shouldn't be allowed to delete the pool
tags: added: api
Changed in maas:
importance: High → Medium
milestone: none → 3.5.0
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