Activity log for bug #1791364

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2018-09-07 19:30:55 Andres Rodriguez bug added bug
2018-09-07 19:31:59 Andres Rodriguez attachment added dns-machine-listing.png
2018-09-07 19:32:10 Andres Rodriguez attachment added dns-machine-listing-2.png
2018-09-07 19:32:20 Andres Rodriguez attachment added dns-machine-listing-3.png
2018-09-07 19:32:25 Andres Rodriguez maas: importance Undecided High
2018-09-07 19:32:27 Andres Rodriguez maas: status New Triaged
2018-09-07 19:32:29 Andres Rodriguez maas: milestone 2.5.0beta2
2018-09-07 19:37:29 Andres Rodriguez description I have a MAAS were there are multiple resource records for both, machines and controllers. These are listed in the UI just fine, however they are not exposed over the API. ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresources read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresource-records read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap domains read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [ { "authoritative": true, "ttl": null, "is_default": true, "resource_record_count": 0, "name": "maas", "id": 0, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/0/" }, { "authoritative": true, "ttl": null, "is_default": false, "resource_record_count": 0, "name": "maaslab", "id": 1, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/1/" }, { "authoritative": false, "ttl": null, "is_default": false, "resource_record_count": 0, "name": "", "id": 2, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/2/" }, { "authoritative": false, "ttl": null, "is_default": false, "resource_record_count": 0, "name": "gate.local", "id": 3, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/3/" } ] I have a MAAS were there are multiple resource records for both, machines and controllers. These are listed in the UI just fine, however they are not exposed over the API (see screenshots for comparison). ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresources read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresource-records read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap domains read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [     {         "authoritative": true,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": true,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "maas",         "id": 0,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/0/"     },     {         "authoritative": true,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "maaslab",         "id": 1,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/1/"     },     {         "authoritative": false,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "",         "id": 2,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/2/"     },     {         "authoritative": false,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "gate.local",         "id": 3,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/3/"     } ]
2018-09-07 19:51:51 Andres Rodriguez summary [2.5] dnssresources read outputs nothing [2.5] dnssresources read outputs nothing when there are machines with assigned IP's and records in the zone file
2018-09-07 19:51:59 Andres Rodriguez description I have a MAAS were there are multiple resource records for both, machines and controllers. These are listed in the UI just fine, however they are not exposed over the API (see screenshots for comparison). ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresources read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresource-records read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap domains read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [     {         "authoritative": true,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": true,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "maas",         "id": 0,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/0/"     },     {         "authoritative": true,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "maaslab",         "id": 1,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/1/"     },     {         "authoritative": false,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "",         "id": 2,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/2/"     },     {         "authoritative": false,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "gate.local",         "id": 3,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/3/"     } ] I have a MAAS were there are multiple resource records for both, machines and controllers. These are listed in the UI just fine, however they are not exposed over the API (see screenshots for comparison). ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresources read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap dnsresource-records read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [] ubuntu@maas00:~$ maas user1@ldap domains read Success. Machine-readable output follows: [     {         "authoritative": true,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": true,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "maas",         "id": 0,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/0/"     },     {         "authoritative": true,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "maaslab",         "id": 1,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/1/"     },     {         "authoritative": false,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "",         "id": 2,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/2/"     },     {         "authoritative": false,         "ttl": null,         "is_default": false,         "resource_record_count": 0,         "name": "gate.local",         "id": 3,         "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/3/"     } ] ubuntu@maas00:/etc/bind/maas$ grep -sr node01 * 30 IN PTR node01.maaslab. zone.maaslab:node01 30 IN A ubuntu@maas00:/etc/bind/maas$ grep -sr node02 * 30 IN PTR node02.maaslab. zone.maaslab:node02 30 IN A
2018-09-07 22:15:04 Mike Pontillo marked as duplicate 1791383