>1. DHCP was enabled for the VLAN
Here is evidence from the our Jenkins job, that DHCP was enabled:
2016-09-29-21:23:54 INFO 'maas maas vlan update fabric-0 untagged dhcp_on=true primary_rack=gckmmf'
2016-09-29-21:23:56 INFO {
"mtu": 1500,
"id": 5001,
"dhcp_on": true,
"vid": 0,
"name": "untagged",
"secondary_rack": null,
"external_dhcp": null,
"fabric": "fabric-0",
"primary_rack": "gckmmf",
"resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5001/"
2016-09-29-21:23:56 INFO
2016-09-29-21:23:56 DEBUG {
"name": "untagged",
"vid": 0,
"dhcp_on": true,
"mtu": 1500,
"primary_rack": "gckmmf",
"external_dhcp": null,
"resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5001/",
"id": 5001,
"secondary_rack": null,
"fabric": "fabric-0"
>2. The UI shows DHCP is active
Yes, in the UI DHCP was listed as enabled. I also tried disabling and then re-enabling DHCP.
>3. Have you waited a few to see if the rack start dhcp ? there's some situations in which the rack will wait a few seconds to start DHCP.
Yes, the server had been running for many minutes, while we investigated. I also manually tried restarting maas-rackd.service and then maas-dhcpd.service (e.g. sudo systemctl restart maas-rackd)
>1. DHCP was enabled for the VLAN rack=gckmmf' rack": null, dhcp": null, api/2.0/ vlans/5001/ " dhcp": null, api/2.0/ vlans/5001/ ", rack": null,
Here is evidence from the our Jenkins job, that DHCP was enabled:
2016-09-29-21:23:54 INFO 'maas maas vlan update fabric-0 untagged dhcp_on=true primary_
2016-09-29-21:23:56 INFO {
"mtu": 1500,
"id": 5001,
"dhcp_on": true,
"vid": 0,
"name": "untagged",
"fabric": "fabric-0",
"primary_rack": "gckmmf",
"resource_uri": "/MAAS/
2016-09-29-21:23:56 INFO
2016-09-29-21:23:56 DEBUG {
"name": "untagged",
"vid": 0,
"dhcp_on": true,
"mtu": 1500,
"primary_rack": "gckmmf",
"resource_uri": "/MAAS/
"id": 5001,
"fabric": "fabric-0"
>2. The UI shows DHCP is active
Yes, in the UI DHCP was listed as enabled. I also tried disabling and then re-enabling DHCP.
>3. Have you waited a few to see if the rack start dhcp ? there's some situations in which the rack will wait a few seconds to start DHCP.
Yes, the server had been running for many minutes, while we investigated. I also manually tried restarting maas-rackd.service and then maas-dhcpd.service (e.g. sudo systemctl restart maas-rackd)