lxml.html.document_fromstring fails with certain emojis

Bug #1949271 reported by Aloisio R
This bug affects 4 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Python : sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
lxml.etree : (4, 6, 3, 0)
libxml used : (2, 9, 4)
libxml compiled : (2, 9, 4)
libxslt used : (1, 1, 29)
libxslt compiled : (1, 1, 29)

LXML 4.6.3 in MacOS Mojave (10.14.6) fails to parse html input in unicode str or utf-8 bytes for certain emojis (ZWJ sequences)

This pytest test script (from my test suite) will pass if the bug is present:

import pytest
from lxml.html import document_fromstring

def test_lxml_463_emoji_bug():
    def assert_emoji_parsing(transform):
        # Woman Facepalming Emoji
        # See https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
        content = u'<p>\U0001F926\u200D\u2640\uFE0F</p>'
        doc = document_fromstring(transform(content))
        assert doc[0][0].text == u'\U0001F926\u200D\u2640\uFE0F'

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert_emoji_parsing(lambda c: c)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert_emoji_parsing(lambda c: c.encode('utf-8'))
    assert_emoji_parsing(lambda c: c.encode('utf-16'))
    assert_emoji_parsing(lambda c: c.encode('utf-32'))

Notice that a workaround for this issue is to use UTF-16 or UTF-32 bytes.

Revision history for this message
James Addison (jaddison) wrote :

I've encountered similar behaviour on MacOS 11.7 (Big Sur) when parsing an example UTF-8 encoded HTML file that contains at least two multibyte characters.

One detail learned while attempting to narrow down the cause: the problem disappears when the 'lxml' dependency is installed from binary wheel.

A near-minimal repro case is available at https://github.com/jayaddison/macos-lxml-issue-repro.git/

Revision history for this message
Ohad Livne (ohadlb) wrote :

Python: sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=8, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
OS: macOS Monterey 12.6 (Intel processor)
lxml.etree: 4.9.1

I see a somewhat different behaviour but might be related. With

doc = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"></head><body>\U0001f44b</body></html>'

I get the output

'! D O C T Y P E h t m l > '

I only see this with lxml 4.9.1, while earlier versions (I tried from 4.7.0 to 4.9.0) parse the data correctly. It's also macOS specific - a Linux installation with lxml 4.9.1 doesn't have this problem.

Revision history for this message
James Addison (jaddison) wrote :

Ohad: yep, that seems potentially related to me. I saw the same behaviour (ASCII characters from the original input, separated by spaces, in the parsed text output) when using locally-compiled versions of lxml on OSX during investigation of the bug.

Revision history for this message
scoder (scoder) wrote :

This might be related to the way lxml is installed, whether the installation uses a PyPI wheel (which should hopefully work) or builds its own one locally (which may not use the same library versions). Could you check which is the case for you? If a wheel is built locally, then the build log should indicate the library versions used.

Revision history for this message
Ohad Livne (ohadlb) wrote :

scoder: As you predicted, 4.9.1 is built locally while earlier versions are installed as wheels.

The build uses the libraries libxml2 2.9.4 and libxslt 1.1.29. I uploaded the full log to https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/49msGfnKtB/

Revision history for this message
Ohad Livne (ohadlb) wrote :

I just realized that I have libxml2 2.10.3 and libxslt 1.1.37 installed on my system, which don't match the versions used during the local compilation, so that could be a problem.

I'm currently trying to get the proper include files picked up in a rebuild.

Revision history for this message
Ohad Livne (ohadlb) wrote :

Nevermind. These versions weren't actually installed and the build seems to link the libraries statically anyway (is this correct? At least they don't appear in the output of otool -L)

Revision history for this message
Arthur Rio (arthurio88) wrote :

I can also confirm that bug with Mac OS 13.1, Python 3.10.7, lxml==4.9.1. Let me know if you need more details.

Revision history for this message
Tom Ritchford (tom.swirly) wrote :

I can also reproduce this on lxml 4.9.2, MacOS 12.6.2, Python 3.11.1, with a very small example.

This took me too long to figure out. The fact that etree.HTML(s) sometimes returns `None` and sometimes returns a broken HTML object is a bit confounding.

**There's a near-trivial workaround - call `.encode()` on any `str` that you pass in.**

Here's the code to reproduce, which also shows the workaround.

    from lxml import etree

    def round_trip(s):
        html = etree.HTML(s)
        assert html is not None, 'etree.HTML(s) returned None!'

        result = etree.tostring(html, pretty_print=True, method="html")


    def compare_both():
        p1 = '<html><head><title>ANT</title></head><body></body></html>'

        # Works
        round_trip('\n' + p1)

        p2 = '<html><head><title>🐜</title></head><body></body></html>'

        # The workaround!
        round_trip(('\n' + p2).encode())

        # Fails
        round_trip(p2) # Wrong answer
        round_trip('\n' + p2) # etree.HTML(s) returns None

and here are the results:





    <html><body><p>h t m l &gt; </p></body></html>

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
      File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
      File "/Users/tom/synthetic/code/multi/multi/tweak_index.py", line 93, in <module>
      File "/Users/tom/synthetic/code/multi/multi/tweak_index.py", line 64, in compare_both
        round_trip('\n' + p2) # Returns None
      File "/Users/tom/synthetic/code/multi/multi/tweak_index.py", line 41, in round_trip
        assert html is not None, 'etree.HTML(s) returned None!'
    AssertionError: etree.HTML(s) returned None!
            0.03 real 0.02 user 0.00 sys

Revision history for this message
Tom Ritchford (tom.swirly) wrote :

I just discovered that unfortunately, calling `.encode()` is not a full solution, because the resulting text (`&#240;&#159;&#144;&#156;`, for example) does not actually render in the browser correctly.

I'll report back once more when I have a final workaround.

Revision history for this message
Tom Ritchford (tom.swirly) wrote :

This turned out to be considerable work, though perhaps some library existed I didn't know about to convert the misencoded chars.

Code is here:

    def run(s: str):
        if isinstance(s, str):
            s = s.encode()
        html = etree.HTML(s)
        t = etree.tostring(html, pretty_print=True, method="html")
        return fix_non_ascii(t.decode())

    def fix_non_ascii(s):
        # Example: &#237;&#156;&#132;&#237;&#156;&#136;&#240;&#159;&#152;&#134;

        def replace(m):
            parts = [int(i.strip(';')) for i in m.group(0).split('&#') if i]
            return ''.join(to_chars(parts))

        pat = r'(&#[12]\d\d;)+'
        return re.sub(pat, replace, s)

    def to_chars(parts):
        parts = parts[::-1] # So we can pop from the end!
        while parts:
            a, b = parts.pop(), parts.pop()
            if a < 0xE0:
                yield chr(b + 0x40 * (a - 0xC2))

            elif a < 0xF0:
                c = parts.pop()
                yield chr(
                    0x800 + (c - 0x80) +
                    + 0x40 * (
                        (b - 0xA0)
                        + 0x40 * (a - 0xE0)
                c, d = parts.pop(), parts.pop()

                yield chr(
                    0x010000 + (d - 0x80)
                    + 0x40 * ((c - 0x80)
                        + 0x40 * ((b - 0x90)
                            + 0x40 * (a - 0xF0)

Revision history for this message
X (zfhdk) wrote :

I may have the same problem. Here is some minimal code to see the bug:

from lxml import html
from lxml import etree
root = html.fragment_fromstring("<p>🐻</p>")

Run it in Python3.9 and Python3.11 I got different results (both with lxml 4.9.2):
(the one from Python3.9 is correct)

% python3.9 test.py

% python3.11 test.py
b'<p>h t m l &gt; </p>'

Revision history for this message
X (zfhdk) wrote :

This simply throws an error in Python3.11 (lxml 4.9.2) and works fine for Python3.9 (lxml 4.9.2)

from lxml import etree
root = etree.fromstring("<p>🐻</p>")

Revision history for this message
Mike Edmunds (medmunds) wrote :

A workaround seems to be forcing the input to ascii with html entity encoding (xml character refs):

>>> from lxml import etree
>>> root = etree.fromstring("<p>🐻</p>")
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Char 0x0 out of allowed range, line 1, column 2

>>> root = etree.fromstring("<p>🐻</p>".encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace").decode("ascii"))
>>> root.text

(lxml 4.9.2, Python 3.11.1)

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