And I guess nothing will be done with that. I guess Lightread isn't developed anymore since the last change was introduced in 2012-07-23 ( I guess Lightread is dead.
I could be wrong, but wouldn't it just take someone adjusting the code to allow the import of a feed list in the form of an .xml file? I have no idea how this would be done, I am not a programmer! Just an idea...
"Note 2: if you are a third party developer using the Google Reader API and would like to integrate with Normandy, please send an email to <email address hidden>. We would love to keep the Google Reader ecosystem alive."
Guys the development has not stopped. The reason that the last commit is on 2012-07-23 is because the code hosting is done in Github while we use Launchpad for Bug Triaging and PPA to distribute software. That said, we are yet to receive word from the original developer regarding his plans on what to do about the Google Reader issue.
And I guess nothing will be done with that. I guess Lightread isn't developed anymore since the last change was introduced in 2012-07-23 (https:/ /code.launchpad .net/lightread). I guess Lightread is dead.