Gmail and Google Plus webapps not working in webbrowser-app

Bug #1244113 reported by valmar
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
WebApps: libunity-webapps
Alexandre Abreu

Bug Description

I followed the guidelines give in this bug report:, and I am trying to use webapps with a webbrowser-app wrapper

I tried in two apps: Gmail and Google Plus. When I open the Gmail webapp, the webbrowser app comes up with the gmail login screen. When I try to login, by entering login name and password, a tab *in my main broswer* opens, asking again for the password. If I type it, I log in to Gmail *in my broswer*. Nothing happens in the webbrowser app.

With Google Plus, I just get a blank screen in the webbrowser app.

I am currently on Saucy, with all updates installed


PS: I really like this idea of running webapps in the webbrowser-app, and I hope to make it work.

Revision history for this message
valmar (valmar-lp) wrote :

Some additional info. This is what you see when you start the googleplus webapp in a terminal:

/.local/share/applications$ unity-webapps-runner -n 'R29vZ2xlKwA=' -d '' %u
** Message: Launching webapp 'Google+' with the webapp container (command line 'webbrowser-app --app-id='Googleplusgooglecom' --webapp='R29vZ2xlKwA=' --enable-back-forward')
WARNING: This project is using the experimental QML API extensions for QtWebKit and is therefore tied to a specific QtWebKit release.
WARNING: The experimental API will change from version to version, or even be removed. You have been warned!

Could not open manifest file: "/usr/share/unity-webapps/userscripts/unity-webapps-amazon/manifest.json"
Invalid webapps installation found: "/usr/share/unity-webapps/userscripts/unity-webapps-amazon"
Could not open manifest file: "/usr/share/unity-webapps/userscripts/unity-webapps-googleplus/manifest.json"
Invalid webapps installation found: "/usr/share/unity-webapps/userscripts/unity-webapps-googleplus"
QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/Browser.qml:337 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:
Empty path in webapps model search path update request

Revision history for this message
Zsolt Lauter (lauterzsolti) wrote :


It seems I have similar issues. I set up my Google account in Online Accounts long ago and I didn't have any problem. I tried the GMail web app about 2-3 weeks ago on Ubuntu 14.10 (not much before it has officially released) and it didn't work, I got a Web browser app with a blank, white page. Then I tried the Google+, YouTube and Amazon apps as well. Amazon worked fine, it was loaded into a webbrowser-app window properly but the other (Google-related) apps were blank.
Screenshot attached.


David Barth (dbarth)
Changed in libunity-webapps:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → Medium
assignee: nobody → Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre)
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