I tried to mark bug 794861 a duplicate of bug 767475, and this failed with OOPS-1986CI42. This bug report is not for that error per se, but for the way it was displayed. (If I find that this error recurs and interferes with my work, I will search for / file a separate bug report for the error itself.) In the "Mark bug as duplicate" in-page window, the following text appeared unformatted as follows (except it may have been wrapped at a different number of characters, and it was all in bright red):
(( text will start after this line and the blank line that follows it ))
I tried to mark bug 794861 a duplicate of bug 767475, and this failed with OOPS-1986CI42. This bug report is not for that error per se, but for the way it was displayed. (If I find that this error recurs and interferes with my work, I will search for / file a separate bug report for the error itself.) In the "Mark bug as duplicate" in-page window, the following text appeared unformatted as follows (except it may have been wrapped at a different number of characters, and it was all in bright red):
(( text will start after this line and the blank line that follows it ))
The following errors were encountered:
Error: Timeout fieldset.collapsed div, fieldset div.collapsed {display: none;} fieldset. collapsible div, fieldset div.collapsed {display: block;} var LP = { cache: {}, links: {} }; var cookie_scope = '; Path=/; Secure; Domain= .launchpad. net'; // Define a global YUI sandbox that should be used by everyone. var LPS = YUI({ // Don't try to fetch the loader module. bootstrap: false, // Don't try to fetch CSS files. fetchCSS: false, // Turn off combo loading. combine: false, // For paranoia, set a low timeout to not wait on loading a resource. timeout: 50 }); LPS.use('node', 'event-delegate', 'lp', 'lp.app.links', function(Y) { Y.on('load', function(e) { sortables_init(); initInlineHelp(); Y.lp.activate_ collapsibles( ); activateFoldabl es(); activateConstra inBugExpiration (); Y.lp.app. links.check_ valid_lp_ links() ; }, window); // Hook up the function that dismisses the help window if we click // anywhere outside of it. Y.on('click', handleClickOnPage, window); Y.on('lp:context:web_link:changed', function(e) { window.location = e.new_value; }); }); var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push( ['_setAccount' , 'UA-12833497-1']); _gaq.push( ['_setDomainNam e', '.launchpad.net']); _gaq.push( ['_setAllowHash ', false]); _gaq.push( ['_trackPagevie w']); (function() { var ga = document. createElement( 'script' ); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document. location. protocol ? 'https:/ /ssl' : 'http:// www') + '.google- analytics. com/ga. js'; (document. getElementsByTa gName(' head')[ 0] || document. getElementsByTa gName(' body')[ 0]).appendChild (ga); })(); degeneracypressure • Timeout error Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. Trying again in a couple of minutes might work. (Error ID: OOPS-1986CI42) • Take the tour • Read the guide © 2004-2011 Canonical Ltd. • Terms of use • Contact Launchpad Support • System status • r13175 (get the code) LP.links['me'] = '/~degeneracypr essure' ;
(( text ended right before the blank line preceding this line ))
I have attached a screenshot showing this.
Lorenzo (https:/ /launchpad. net/~cthol) reported what appears to be a similar problem as https:/ /answers. launchpad. net/launchpad/ +question/ 160770.
Perhaps this is related to yesterday's Launchpad maintenance.