Activity log for bug #717205

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2011-02-11 15:36:44 John A Meinel bug added bug
2011-02-11 15:46:46 Jonathan Lange visibility private public
2011-02-11 15:46:46 Jonathan Lange security vulnerability yes no
2011-02-14 02:12:43 Andrew Bennetts bug watch added
2011-02-14 11:22:48 Gavin Panella launchpad: status Confirmed Triaged
2011-02-14 13:30:34 Jonathan Lange bug task added twisted
2011-02-14 13:31:01 Jonathan Lange tags twisted
2011-02-15 06:57:02 Bug Watch Updater twisted: status Unknown New
2011-02-16 16:48:31 Diogo Matsubara tags twisted oops twisted
2011-02-16 16:49:02 Diogo Matsubara description There seems to be a bug in Twisted 10.2. If something bad happens, the system can get into the state where it isn't stopped, but both SIGTERM and SIGINT refuse to shut down because they "can't stop a reactor that isn't running". I wasn't very worried about it, but it just happened in production, so I'm escalating the severity. The traceback looks something like this: 2011-02-11 11:21:17+0000 [-] Received SIGTERM, shutting down. 2011-02-11 11:21:17+0000 [-] Unhandled Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/srv/", line 390, in startReactor self.config, oldstdout, oldstderr, self.profiler, reactor) File "/srv/", line 311, in runReactorWithLogging File "/srv/", line 1158, in run self.mainLoop() File "/srv/", line 1167, in mainLoop self.runUntilCurrent() --- <exception caught here> --- File "/srv/", line 762, in runUntilCurrent f(*a, **kw) File "/srv/", line 570, in stop "Can't stop reactor that isn't running.") twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRunning: Can't stop reactor that isn't running. There seems to be a bug in Twisted 10.2. If something bad happens, the system can get into the state where it isn't stopped, but both SIGTERM and SIGINT refuse to shut down because they "can't stop a reactor that isn't running". I wasn't very worried about it, but it just happened in production, so I'm escalating the severity. The traceback looks something like this: 2011-02-11 11:21:17+0000 [-] Received SIGTERM, shutting down. 2011-02-11 11:21:17+0000 [-] Unhandled Error         Traceback (most recent call last):           File "/srv/", line 390, in startReactor             self.config, oldstdout, oldstderr, self.profiler, reactor)           File "/srv/", line 311, in runReactorWithLogging              File "/srv/", line 1158, in run             self.mainLoop()           File "/srv/", line 1167, in mainLoop             self.runUntilCurrent()         --- <exception caught here> ---           File "/srv/", line 762, in runUntilCurrent             f(*a, **kw)           File "/srv/", line 570, in stop             "Can't stop reactor that isn't running.")         twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRunning: Can't stop reactor that isn't running. This is causing lots of oops reports such as OOPS-1868SMPSSH1000
2011-02-23 17:10:01 Ursula Junque launchpad: importance High Critical
2011-05-30 07:39:24 Robert Collins removed subscriber Launchpad Security
2012-10-22 00:08:49 William Grant tags oops twisted codehosting-ssh oops twisted