Activity log for bug #4016

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2005-11-09 01:25:35 Celso Providelo bug added bug
2005-12-06 10:42:31 Daniel Silverstone launchpad-publisher: status New Fixed
2005-12-06 10:42:31 Daniel Silverstone launchpad-publisher: statusexplanation Fixed in recent publisher
2005-12-06 14:02:51 Christian Reis launchpad-publisher: status Fixed New
2005-12-06 14:02:51 Christian Reis launchpad-publisher: statusexplanation Fixed in recent publisher This has not been fixed.
2005-12-06 14:44:36 Christian Reis launchpad-publisher: status New Fixed
2005-12-06 14:44:36 Christian Reis launchpad-publisher: statusexplanation This has not been fixed. Actually, this was a note on the internal bits of the publisher, not on the output.