Activity log for bug #34343

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2006-03-10 18:31:01 Brad Bollenbach bug added bug
2006-03-10 18:31:11 Brad Bollenbach malone: status Unconfirmed Confirmed
2006-03-10 18:31:11 Brad Bollenbach malone: assignee bjornt
2006-03-10 18:31:11 Brad Bollenbach malone: statusexplanation
2006-11-29 18:16:43 Diogo Matsubara description I reassigned a bug to bzrtools, by editing the product field on +editstatus. It turns out that bzrtools doesn't use Malone, so I should have gotten an error message when I reassigned it. I reassigned a bug to bzrtools, by editing the product field on +editstatus. It turns out that bzrtools doesn't use Malone, so I should have gotten an error message when I reassigned it. Steps to reproduce (using sample data): 1. Open; 2. Change the product to "thunderbird" (a product that doesn't use malone officially); 3. Click "Save Changes"; 4. End up with a read-only upstream bugtask.
2009-09-08 07:01:02 Björn Tillenius malone: assignee Björn Tillenius (bjornt)
2010-11-11 20:24:05 Curtis Hovey bug task added blueprint
2010-11-11 20:24:14 Curtis Hovey blueprint: status New Triaged
2010-11-11 20:24:17 Curtis Hovey blueprint: importance Undecided Low
2010-11-11 20:24:50 Curtis Hovey summary Shouldn't allow task reassignment to an upstream that doesn't use Malone Shouldn't allow task or blueprint reassignment to an upstream that doesn't use Malone
2010-11-11 20:24:57 Curtis Hovey summary Shouldn't allow task or blueprint reassignment to an upstream that doesn't use Malone Shouldn't allow task or blueprint reassignment to an upstream that doesn't use Launchpad
2010-12-08 12:38:30 Kai Kasurinen removed subscriber Kai Kasurinen
2011-05-30 08:15:17 William Grant removed subscriber Canonical Launchpad Engineering
2011-09-20 21:08:21 Robert Collins launchpad: importance Medium High
2011-10-22 14:08:21 Curtis Hovey launchpad: importance High Low
2011-10-22 14:08:51 Curtis Hovey tags lp-blueprints lp-bugs lp-blueprints lp-bugs target-picker