Incorrectly formatted cron job

Bug #1861690 reported by Dan MacDonald
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Landscape Server

Bug Description

One of the default cron jobs within /etc/cron.d/landscape-server (Update Alerts) looks like this:

*/5 * * * * landscape ( /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/; /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/; /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/ )

but if I try to run

landscape ( /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/; /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/; /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/ )

under Ubuntu 18.04 server's (default) bash shell I get the error:

bash: syntax error near unexpected token `/opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/'

Dan MacDonald (allcoms)
information type: Proprietary → Public
Revision history for this message
Dan MacDonald (allcoms) wrote :

That command doesn't work when run from an interactive shell but I don't see any errors in /var/log/syslog for it so I presume it is running fine and this can likely be closed.

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