There are some difficulties:
- there is no registration relation between the client and the server (so it's not mandatory to have the client in the same model/environment as the server)
- to register a client with the server, configuration settings are needed, and the bundle can't know beforehand what the address of the server will be, nor what certificate it will be using
- a client can only be registered after the first admin is created in the server: before that, there is no server "account" yet, and no computers can be registered
This is the current state. To make all this happen, at first glance these are the steps:
- grow a registration relation between server and client (first attempt here: It needs to know about the SSL certificate used by the frontend to which landscape-server is related, if it's self-signed
- grow first admin creation options in the landscape-server charm, so that it will have the "standalone" account created automatically after deployment
If the deployment is done by conjure-up, then the client charm configuration and registration can easily be done as a post-deploy step in the spell.
There are some difficulties:
- there is no registration relation between the client and the server (so it's not mandatory to have the client in the same model/environment as the server)
- to register a client with the server, configuration settings are needed, and the bundle can't know beforehand what the address of the server will be, nor what certificate it will be using
- a client can only be registered after the first admin is created in the server: before that, there is no server "account" yet, and no computers can be registered
This is the current state. To make all this happen, at first glance these are the steps: /code.launchpad .net/~cpe- consulting/ landscape- charm/client- relation). It needs to know about the SSL certificate used by the frontend to which landscape-server is related, if it's self-signed
- grow a registration relation between server and client (first attempt here: https:/
- grow first admin creation options in the landscape-server charm, so that it will have the "standalone" account created automatically after deployment
If the deployment is done by conjure-up, then the client charm configuration and registration can easily be done as a post-deploy step in the spell.