nova schedule report a error: Got no allocation candidates from the Placement API. This could be due to insufficient resources or a temporary occurrence as compute nodes start up. I'm find that the node resources are sufficient. Baremetal node is individual node. (virtualenv) [root@openstack01 ~]# openstack baremetal node show baremetal-node +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | allocation_uuid | None | | automated_clean | None | | bios_interface | no-bios | | boot_interface | pxe | | chassis_uuid | None | | clean_step | {} | | conductor | openstack02 | | conductor_group | | | console_enabled | False | | console_interface | no-console | | created_at | 2020-03-11T09:50:09+00:00 | | deploy_interface | iscsi | | deploy_step | {} | | description | None | | driver | ipmi | | driver_info | {u'ipmi_port': 623, u'ipmi_username': u'234ngss', u'deploy_kernel': u'47de6011-e4c6-4ffc-b762-deaa0a7d5c2e', u'ipmi_address': u'', u'deploy_ramdisk': u'bf47e3ec-e329-4405-93bd-e38790acaa4f', u'ipmi_password': u'******'} | | driver_internal_info | {} | | extra | {} | | fault | None | | inspect_interface | no-inspect | | inspection_finished_at | None | | inspection_started_at | None | | instance_info | {} | | instance_uuid | None | | last_error | None | | maintenance | False | | maintenance_reason | None | | management_interface | ipmitool | | name | baremetal-node | | network_interface | flat | | owner | None | | power_interface | ipmitool | | power_state | power on | | properties | {u'memory_mb': 49152, u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', u'local_gb': 477, u'cpus': 16} | | protected | False | | protected_reason | None | | provision_state | available | | provision_updated_at | 2020-03-11T10:08:13+00:00 | | raid_config | {} | | raid_interface | no-raid | | rescue_interface | no-rescue | | reservation | None | | resource_class | baremetal-resource-class | | storage_interface | noop | | target_power_state | None | | target_provision_state | None | | target_raid_config | {} | | traits | [] | | updated_at | 2020-03-11T14:24:19+00:00 | | uuid | e73df8d1-dd61-4c44-ab90-c2d4c59417be | | vendor_interface | ipmitool