@Jon: I don't know any tool except Mentor that would update zones in the realtime (and still, it works reliably on a relatively simple boards).
@JP: Many tools on the contrary always check for zone-to-track collisions. Refilling the zones is not the way to ensure there are no clearance violations. If the user mistakenly changed something that results in a zone/track/via short circuit, (s)he should be made aware of it. Automatic refill on DRC hides this information from the user, which IMHO is bad. Besides, "Check" means a check, not a modification.
@Jon: I don't know any tool except Mentor that would update zones in the realtime (and still, it works reliably on a relatively simple boards).
@JP: Many tools on the contrary always check for zone-to-track collisions. Refilling the zones is not the way to ensure there are no clearance violations. If the user mistakenly changed something that results in a zone/track/via short circuit, (s)he should be made aware of it. Automatic refill on DRC hides this information from the user, which IMHO is bad. Besides, "Check" means a check, not a modification.