Image "neutron-ovn-agent" is not being built

Bug #2039558 reported by Stefan Pinter
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

image "neutron-ovn-agent" is not being built although I've set "kolla_enable_ovn" to true and my environment seems to need this image.

contents from "ansible/inventory/group_vars/all/kolla"

  - regex: ^ovn
    enabled: "{{ kolla_enable_ovn | bool }}"
  - regex: neutron-server
    enabled: "{{ kolla_enable_neutron | bool }}"
  - regex: "neutron-\\(dhcp\\|l3\\|metadata\\|linuxbridge\\|openvswitch\\)-agent"
    enabled: "{{ kolla_enable_neutron | bool }}"
  - regex: neutron-mlnx-agent
    enabled: "{{ kolla_enable_neutron_mlnx | bool }}"
  - regex: neutron-sriov-agent
    enabled: "{{ kolla_enable_neutron_sriov | bool }}"

I don't see this adding the correct regex, so I added this to the file:

  - regex: neutron-ovn-agent
    enabled: "{{ kolla_enable_ovn | bool }}"

at least it builds the neutron-ovn-agent image now...

am I doing something wrong or is this missing?

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