Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul (<email address hidden>) Branch: R3.2
commit d8db0907278446ac127a582656ad3468f9a25d7c Author: Siva Kumar Bavanasi <email address hidden> Date: Wed Jan 10 17:34:23 2018 +0530
Fixed the issue 'owner is missing in perms2 for vcenter'
and also fixed The issue 'Not showing list of available pools'.
Change-Id: I8b0a5b3be291ca1d00d9e72f341bac7fbc87acdb Partial-bug: #1738255 (cherry picked from commit 4555ea5c35e03334e84194f8369f44be910c01df)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/39323 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- web-controller/ commit/ d8db0907278446a c127a582656ad34 68f9a25d7c
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul (<email address hidden>)
Branch: R3.2
commit d8db0907278446a c127a582656ad34 68f9a25d7c
Author: Siva Kumar Bavanasi <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 10 17:34:23 2018 +0530
Fixed the issue 'owner is missing in perms2 for vcenter'
and also fixed The issue 'Not showing list of available pools'.
Change-Id: I8b0a5b3be291ca 1d00d9e72f341ba c7fbc87acdb 4e84194f8369f44 be910c01df)
Partial-bug: #1738255
(cherry picked from commit 4555ea5c35e0333