During addition of new tor IP for multicast, audit for changed vxlan id in VN as
well. It may so happen that vxlan id has changed and the withdrawal of tor ip
is done using new vxlan id instead of old resulting in stale path.
Change-Id: I0cb7b0f388d50b1ec92b370898f30bdae6c15827
Closes-bug: #1642781
(cherry picked from commit 3f71961dc57a705a389b45d82c1f805fcc9750ba)
(cherry picked from commit acc13e48264f52b5e6ee30e8b3f79466e7c3d54f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/28946 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ b8f85c9446e5423 7e4870ebda9b34a 26f9bee275
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul (<email address hidden>)
Branch: R3.0
commit b8f85c9446e5423 7e4870ebda9b34a 26f9bee275
Author: Manish <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 8 06:19:16 2016 +0530
Vrf Deletetimeout
During addition of new tor IP for multicast, audit for changed vxlan id in VN as
well. It may so happen that vxlan id has changed and the withdrawal of tor ip
is done using new vxlan id instead of old resulting in stale path.
Change-Id: I0cb7b0f388d50b 1ec92b370898f30 bdae6c15827 a389b45d82c1f80 5fcc9750ba) 5e6ee30e8b3f794 66e7c3d54f)
Closes-bug: #1642781
(cherry picked from commit 3f71961dc57a705
(cherry picked from commit acc13e48264f52b