Hello, I tried again with your suggestion, I still get the same issue : looping at the same step : 05:41:42 TRACE maas controller.go:792 request 53: GET MAAS Version 2.1.5+bzr5596-0ubuntu1 (16.04.1) juju version 2.1.2-xenial-amd64 #cat clouds.yaml clouds: myMAAS: type: maas auth-types: [oauth1] endpoint: "" config: apt-http-proxy: "http://xxxx:yyyy@" apt-https-proxy: "http://xxxx:yyyy@" http-proxy: "http://xxxx:yyyy@" https-proxy: "http://xxxx:yyyy@" JUJU_LOGGING_CONFIG="=TRACE" juju bootstrap myMAAS juju-ctrl --config image-stream=daily --config enable-os-upgrade=false --bootstrap-series=xenial --credential maasadmin --config=~/.local/share/juju/config.yaml --debug --no-gui Here is the output 05:30:52 TRACE maas controller.go:792 request 12: GET 05:30:52 TRACE maas controller.go:800 response 12: [ { "system_id": "ya7dwr", "owner_data": { "juju-model-uuid": "824e56ea-dad0-42c2-843b-bfe587df3bbb", "juju-is-controller": "true", "juju-controller-uuid": "c91b0e53-4605-41b5-8e17-f82641f0d25a" }, "power_state": "unknown", "interface_set": [ { "enabled": true, "system_id": "ya7dwr", "discovered": [], "params": "", "type": "physical", "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/ya7dwr/interfaces/16/", "name": "ens160", "children": [], "id": 16, "tags": [], "vlan": { "fabric": "fabric-0", "dhcp_on": true, "id": 5001, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5001/", "vid": 0, "secondary_rack": null, "fabric_id": 0, "mtu": 1500, "external_dhcp": null, "name": "untagged", "primary_rack": "f8q7as" }, "parents": [], "links": [ { "mode": "auto", "id": 113, "ip_address": "", "subnet": { "allow_proxy": true, "space": "space-0", "name": "", "dns_servers": [ "" ], "vlan": { "fabric": "fabric-0", "dhcp_on": true, "id": 5001, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5001/", "vid": 0, "secondary_rack": null, "fabric_id": 0, "mtu": 1500, "external_dhcp": null, "name": "untagged", "primary_rack": "f8q7as" }, "active_discovery": false, "gateway_ip": "", "cidr": "", "id": 2, "rdns_mode": 2, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/subnets/2/" } } ], "mac_address": "00:50:56:96:e7:0e", "effective_mtu": 1500 } ], "power_type": "manual", "blockdevice_set": [ { "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/ya7dwr/blockdevices/6/", "system_id": "ya7dwr", "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/sda", "partition_table_type": "MBR", "available_size": 0, "used_for": "MBR partitioned with 1 partition", "used_size": 21471690752, "name": "sda", "serial": "", "partitions": [ { "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/ya7dwr/blockdevices/6/partition/7", "system_id": "ya7dwr", "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/sda-part1", "used_for": "ext4 formatted filesystem mounted at /", "type": "partition", "uuid": "8852e8b1-f205-4599-a55a-a2d6bd7fec98", "filesystem": { "mount_point": "/", "fstype": "ext4", "uuid": "1c3f128f-f309-481b-988d-900c9b7efe8a", "label": "root", "mount_options": null }, "size": 21466447872, "id": 7, "bootable": false, "device_id": 6 } ], "id_path": "/dev/sda", "id": 6, "tags": [ "rotary" ], "uuid": null, "block_size": 4096, "type": "physical", "model": "Virtual disk", "filesystem": null, "size": 21474836480 } ], "status_message": "(maasadmin)", "special_filesystems": [], "address_ttl": null, "swap_size": null, "hwe_kernel": "ga-16.04", "distro_series": "xenial", "virtualblockdevice_set": [], "tag_names": [ "virtual" ], "memory": 4096, "hostname": "needed-bison", "min_hwe_kernel": "", "storage": 21474.83648, "fqdn": "needed-bison.maas", "architecture": "amd64/generic", "domain": { "id": 0, "ttl": null, "authoritative": true, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/0/", "name": "maas", "resource_record_count": 0 }, "ip_addresses": [ "" ], "node_type_name": "Machine", "zone": { "description": "", "id": 1, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/zones/default/", "name": "default" }, "node_type": 0, "disable_ipv4": false, "status": 9, "owner": "maasadmin", "physicalblockdevice_set": [ { "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/ya7dwr/blockdevices/6/", "system_id": "ya7dwr", "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/sda", "partition_table_type": "MBR", "available_size": 0, "used_for": "MBR partitioned with 1 partition", "used_size": 21471690752, "block_size": 4096, "serial": "", "partitions": [ { "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/ya7dwr/blockdevices/6/partition/7", "system_id": "ya7dwr", "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/sda-part1", "used_for": "ext4 formatted filesystem mounted at /", "type": "partition", "uuid": "8852e8b1-f205-4599-a55a-a2d6bd7fec98", "filesystem": { "mount_point": "/", "fstype": "ext4", "uuid": "1c3f128f-f309-481b-988d-900c9b7efe8a", "label": "root", "mount_options": null }, "size": 21466447872, "id": 7, "bootable": false, "device_id": 6 } ], "id_path": "/dev/sda", "id": 6, "tags": [ "rotary" ], "uuid": null, "name": "sda", "type": "physical", "model": "Virtual disk", "filesystem": null, "size": 21474836480 } ], "status_action": "start", "boot_interface": { "enabled": true, "system_id": "ya7dwr", "discovered": [], "params": "", "type": "physical", "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/ya7dwr/interfaces/16/", "name": "ens160", "children": [], "id": 16, "tags": [], "vlan": { "fabric": "fabric-0", "dhcp_on": true, "id": 5001, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5001/", "vid": 0, "secondary_rack": null, "fabric_id": 0, "mtu": 1500, "external_dhcp": null, "name": "untagged", "primary_rack": "f8q7as" }, "parents": [], "links": [ { "mode": "auto", "id": 113, "ip_address": "", "subnet": { "allow_proxy": true, "space": "space-0", "name": "", "dns_servers": [ "" ], "vlan": { "fabric": "fabric-0", "dhcp_on": true, "id": 5001, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5001/", "vid": 0, "secondary_rack": null, "fabric_id": 0, "mtu": 1500, "external_dhcp": null, "name": "untagged", "primary_rack": "f8q7as" }, "active_discovery": false, "gateway_ip": "", "cidr": "", "id": 2, "rdns_mode": 2, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/subnets/2/" } } ], "mac_address": "00:50:56:96:e7:0e", "effective_mtu": 1500 }, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/machines/ya7dwr/", "netboot": true, "boot_disk": null, "status_name": "Deploying", "cpu_count": 4, "osystem": "ubuntu" } ] I am slowing-down with Ubuntu Openstack installation and I am thinking about testing a Red Hat or a VMWare Openstack solution. Thank you indeed.