Activity log for bug #2026302

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2023-07-06 17:44:06 Leon bug added bug
2023-07-06 17:54:00 Leon description It seems that "relation-departed" needs to be followed by "relation-changed", where no stale data from the departing unit is present. This would enable charm authors to charm holistically, i.e. without awkwardly propagating the delta that unit x departed from unit y and now everything needs to be updated WITHOUT unit x's data. There is probably no need to emit relation-changed after departed if "broken" is already scheduled. Related: It seems that "relation-departed" needs to be followed by "relation-changed", where no stale data from the departing unit is present. This would enable charm authors to charm holistically, i.e. without awkwardly propagating the delta that unit x departed from relation y and now everything needs to be updated WITHOUT unit x's data. There is probably no need to emit relation-changed after departed if "broken" is already scheduled. Related:
2023-07-13 10:15:15 Joseph Phillips juju: status New Triaged
2023-07-13 10:15:17 Joseph Phillips juju: importance Undecided Wishlist