Improve approach to valid cases where some data is empty from charmhub

Bug #2020191 reported by Heather Lanigan
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Canonical Juju

Bug Description

Rather than guard against potential bad data when we unmarshal charmhub responses, solve the problem where the data is received.

Example core/charm/repository/charmhub.go:

 // NOTE: Charmhub returns a "{}\n" when no config.yaml exists for
 // the charm, e.g. postgreql. However, this will fail the charm
 // config validation which happens in ReadConfig. Valid config
 // are nil and "Options: {}"
 if configYAML != "" || strings.TrimSpace(configYAML) == "{}" {
  chConfig, err = charm.ReadConfig(strings.NewReader(configYAML))
  if err != nil {
   return corecharm.EssentialMetadata{}, errors.Annotatef(err, "parsing config.yaml for %q", curl)

Tags: tech-debt
Changed in juju:
milestone: 2.9.44 → 2.9.45
Changed in juju:
milestone: 2.9.45 → 2.9.46
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