`juju run` should have method to trigger the action to run on all units of an application

Bug #1831260 reported by Drew Freiberger
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Canonical Juju

Bug Description

Some charms, such as cs:telegraf require running actions to complete charm/software upgrades.
for instance, going from telegraf-28 to telegraf-29 provides a juju status which notes:

Install filebeat-6.8.0 with the 'reinstall' action.

On each unit.

As a standard openstack cloud has ~50+ such units, I'd rather not have to write an awk-based loop to iterate through these units, but rather juju run-action should have an [--application | -a] flag or an application/all argument to trigger the action to run on all units of the application.

While this is certainly not an ideal way for the charm to be written for upgrades, it is the choice of that charm development team to continue requiring the upgrade to be triggered manually. See issue https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-filebeat/issues/58 for more details.

For simple actions with no parameters, the simple workaround is to use:

juju run --application filebeat actions/reinstall

summary: - run-action should have a --application flag to trigger the action to run
- on all units of an application
+ run-action should have method to trigger the action to run on all units
+ of an application
Revision history for this message
Tim McNamara (tim-clicks) wrote : Re: run-action should have method to trigger the action to run on all units of an application

Thanks for the suggestion Drew. I've added it to the community discourse[0] to see if we can judge support. Feels like a useful feature, in my opinion.

 [0]: https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/1529

Revision history for this message
Jordan Barrett (barrettj12) wrote :

A similar proposal for `juju exec`: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1714791

summary: - run-action should have method to trigger the action to run on all units
+ `juju run` should have method to trigger the action to run on all units
of an application
Changed in juju:
importance: Undecided → Wishlist
Changed in juju:
status: New → Triaged
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