Sorry. I saw this now, Remote backup was not created. And it was downloaded to local dir.
k8s@test2-controller:~$ juju create-backup -m test2-controller:controller
backup ID: backup format version: 1 juju version: 2.8.7 series: focal
controller UUID: 7d956a97-a20e-4029-8887-aaa8b6d5efba model UUID: a9aeeafb-5984-4d16-8a83-86dfda011a75 machine ID: 0 created on host: test2-controller
checksum: s/ulMkFEp2E8SGKNNpgUr1RIQwg= checksum format: SHA-1, base64 encoded size (B): 101226925 stored: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC started: 2021-04-07 07:35:48.730818889 +0000 UTC finished: 2021-04-07 07:37:20.133856682 +0000 UTC
Remote backup was not created. Downloaded to juju-backup-20210407-073548.tar.gz.
And mongo.db has no backups:
juju:PRIMARY> show databases; admin 0.000GB backups 0.000GB
I found this bug because my filesystem was filling up at this location /tmp/snap.juju-db/tmp .
k8s@test2-controller:~$ sudo du -h -d1 /tmp/snap.juju-db/tmp 276M /tmp/snap.juju-db/tmp/jujuBackup-218257021 276M /tmp/snap.juju-db/tmp/jujuBackup-178084792 276M /tmp/snap.juju-db/tmp/jujuBackup-847774230 . . .
Sorry. I saw this now, Remote backup was not created. And it was downloaded to local dir.
k8s@test2- controller: ~$ juju create-backup -m test2-controlle r:controller
backup ID:
backup format version: 1
juju version: 2.8.7
series: focal
controller UUID: 7d956a97- a20e-4029- 8887-aaa8b6d5ef ba 5984-4d16- 8a83-86dfda011a 75
model UUID: a9aeeafb-
machine ID: 0
created on host: test2-controller
checksum: s/ulMkFEp2E8SGK NNpgUr1RIQwg=
checksum format: SHA-1, base64 encoded
size (B): 101226925
stored: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
started: 2021-04-07 07:35:48.730818889 +0000 UTC
finished: 2021-04-07 07:37:20.133856682 +0000 UTC
Remote backup was not created. 20210407- 073548. tar.gz.
Downloaded to juju-backup-
And mongo.db has no backups:
juju:PRIMARY> show databases;
admin 0.000GB
backups 0.000GB
I found this bug because my filesystem was filling up at this location /tmp/snap. juju-db/ tmp .
k8s@test2- controller: ~$ sudo du -h -d1 /tmp/snap. juju-db/ tmp juju-db/ tmp/jujuBackup- 218257021 juju-db/ tmp/jujuBackup- 178084792 juju-db/ tmp/jujuBackup- 847774230
276M /tmp/snap.
276M /tmp/snap.
276M /tmp/snap.