Activity log for bug #1474606

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-07-15 00:17:47 Horacio DurĂ¡n bug added bug
2015-07-15 00:24:52 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core: assignee Menno Smits (menno.smits)
2015-07-15 00:25:00 Menno Finlay-Smits nominated for series juju-core/1.24
2015-07-15 00:25:00 Menno Finlay-Smits bug task added juju-core/1.24
2015-07-15 00:25:11 Menno Finlay-Smits summary entities status is loosing env-uuid upon setting status. entities status is losing env-uuid upon setting status.
2015-07-15 00:25:18 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core: importance Undecided High
2015-07-15 00:25:20 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core/1.24: importance Undecided High
2015-07-15 00:25:22 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core/1.24: assignee Menno Smits (menno.smits)
2015-07-15 00:25:25 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core/1.24: milestone 1.24.3
2015-07-15 00:25:28 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core: milestone 1.25.0
2015-07-15 02:08:33 Curtis Hovey juju-core/1.24: status New Triaged
2015-07-15 02:08:36 Curtis Hovey juju-core: status New Triaged
2015-07-15 21:51:39 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core/1.24: importance High Critical
2015-07-15 21:51:42 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core: importance High Critical
2015-07-15 21:52:40 Menno Finlay-Smits summary entities status is losing env-uuid upon setting status. Document replacements using $set are problematic
2015-07-15 22:17:01 Menno Finlay-Smits description Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid. Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since: 1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid 2) This replaces the doc with a new one. Envuuid is lost There is a fix for this in as part of a refactoring of status history. Original report: Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid. Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since: 1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid 2) This replaces the doc with a new one. Envuuid is lost There is a fix for this in as part of a refactoring of status history. The scope has been extended on finding other areas that also have this issue: Apart from statusesC there are other collections where Juju does document replacement using $set. Found so far:stateServingInfoC, constraintsC, settings. This is a problem for two reasons: 1. for multi-env collections the env-uuid field doesn't get populated (as per the original report) 2. mgo/txn's fields (e.g. txn-queue and txn-revno) get wiped out which can cause the transaction system to misbehave and could also break watcher functionality. See the last paragraph here for more details: Things to fix: 1. Update the Juju txn layer to block attempt to replace documents using $set. A $set update must be either a bson.D or a bson.M, not a struct. 2. Fix cases which do document replacement to do per-field updates instead. 3. Implemented DB migrations which fill in empty "env-uuid" fields in affected collections.
2015-07-17 01:02:03 Menno Finlay-Smits summary Document replacements using $set are problematic Document replacements using $set may wipe out the env-uuid field
2015-07-17 01:05:37 Menno Finlay-Smits description Original report: Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid. Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since: 1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid 2) This replaces the doc with a new one. Envuuid is lost There is a fix for this in as part of a refactoring of status history. The scope has been extended on finding other areas that also have this issue: Apart from statusesC there are other collections where Juju does document replacement using $set. Found so far:stateServingInfoC, constraintsC, settings. This is a problem for two reasons: 1. for multi-env collections the env-uuid field doesn't get populated (as per the original report) 2. mgo/txn's fields (e.g. txn-queue and txn-revno) get wiped out which can cause the transaction system to misbehave and could also break watcher functionality. See the last paragraph here for more details: Things to fix: 1. Update the Juju txn layer to block attempt to replace documents using $set. A $set update must be either a bson.D or a bson.M, not a struct. 2. Fix cases which do document replacement to do per-field updates instead. 3. Implemented DB migrations which fill in empty "env-uuid" fields in affected collections. Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid. Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since: 1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid 2) This replaces the doc with a new one. Envuuid is lost There is a fix for this in as part of a refactoring of status history. The scope has been extended on finding other areas that also have this issue: Apart from statusesC there are other multi-env collections where Juju does document replacement using $set. Found so far: constraints, settings. Things to fix: 1. Update the Juju txn layer to handle these updates so that the env-uuid gets set correctly. 2. Reverse the band-aid fixes that have been put in place to work around this issue for statuses and elsewhere. 3. Implemented DB migrations which fill in empty "env-uuid" fields in affected collections.
2015-07-17 01:08:34 Menno Finlay-Smits description Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid. Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since: 1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid 2) This replaces the doc with a new one. Envuuid is lost There is a fix for this in as part of a refactoring of status history. The scope has been extended on finding other areas that also have this issue: Apart from statusesC there are other multi-env collections where Juju does document replacement using $set. Found so far: constraints, settings. Things to fix: 1. Update the Juju txn layer to handle these updates so that the env-uuid gets set correctly. 2. Reverse the band-aid fixes that have been put in place to work around this issue for statuses and elsewhere. 3. Implemented DB migrations which fill in empty "env-uuid" fields in affected collections. Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid. Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since: 1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid 2) This replaces the doc with a new one. Envuuid is lost There is a fix for this in as part of a refactoring of status history. The scope has been extended on finding other areas that also have this issue: Apart from statusesC there are other multi-env collections where Juju does document replacement using $set. Found so far: constraints, settings. Things to fix: 0. Figure out why the multi-env txn layer appears to be finding documents despite the blank env-uuid fields. This smells like a bug. 1. Update the Juju txn layer to handle these updates so that the env-uuid gets set correctly. 2. Reverse the band-aid fixes that have been put in place to work around this issue for statuses and elsewhere. 3. Implemented DB migrations which fill in empty "env-uuid" fields in affected collections.
2015-07-17 01:11:19 Menno Finlay-Smits summary Document replacements using $set may wipe out the env-uuid field $set updates may clear out the env-uuid field
2015-07-19 22:50:15 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core/1.24: status Triaged In Progress
2015-07-19 22:50:17 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core/1.24: importance Critical High
2015-07-19 22:50:19 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core: importance Critical High
2015-07-20 14:34:31 Martin Packman juju-core/1.24: status In Progress Fix Committed
2015-07-20 18:30:33 Curtis Hovey juju-core/1.24: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2015-07-21 21:13:33 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core: status Triaged In Progress
2015-07-24 04:42:07 Menno Finlay-Smits juju-core: status In Progress Fix Committed
2015-08-05 13:15:32 Curtis Hovey juju-core: status Fix Committed Fix Released