While bootstrapping a server, installation seemed to be going ok and system was being rebooted after installation finished. But juju bootstrap failed due to being kicked out of an ssh session, and it destroyed the environment. So, a server that was still deploying was stopped through maas and state was transitioned from Deploying to Ready.
This is from console output:
Launching instance
WARNING picked arbitrary tools &{1.20.11-precise-amd64 https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/releases/juju-1.20.11-precise-amd64.tgz 196a1348755f3ce869ce1319995d2d6b672809e165d87987dc5c12828c228de8 8112417}
- /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-94afcdc8-aea0-11e3-9074-00163efc5068/
Waiting for address
Attempting to connect to bakhtak.oil:22
Attempting to connect to bakhtak.oil:22
Attempting to connect to
Warning: Permanently added 'bakhtak.oil' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Logging to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on remote host
Installing add-apt-repository
Adding apt repository: deb http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise-updates/cloud-tools main
Running apt-get update
Connection to bakhtak.oil closed by remote host.
ERROR bootstrap failed: subprocess encountered error code 255
Stopping instance...
Bootstrap failed, destroying environment
ERROR subprocess encountered error code 255
Is juju bootstrap polling the maas server and attempting ssh after it's switched to the "Deployed" state or is trying to ssh into the system and waiting for another condition? From the MAAS logs, there were not issue with the installation and the system was in the process of rebooting following curtin installation when the juju environment got destroyed due to this error.
I think fixing this would help alleviate what we're seeing in bug 1355782 - can the priority on this be raised?