commit 6aa3c6fd389289507f40d22a83253100ddbb169d
Author: Jay Faulkner <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 10 11:28:32 2023 -0700
Only allow safe context fields in notifications
Publishing a fully hydrated context object in a notification would give
someone with access to that notification the ability to impersonate the
original actor through inclusion of sensitive fields.
Now, instead, we pare down the context object to the bare minimum before
passing it for serialization in notification workflows.
Closes-bug: 2030976
Change-Id: Ic94323658c89df1c1ff32f511ca23502317d0f00
(cherry picked from commit 1b315615e7dc61dbf845bd663560fc8d5a18fa09)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /oslo.messaging /+/891742 /opendev. org/openstack/ oslo.messaging/ commit/ 6aa3c6fd3892895 07f40d22a832531 00ddbb169d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/2023.1
commit 6aa3c6fd3892895 07f40d22a832531 00ddbb169d
Author: Jay Faulkner <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 10 11:28:32 2023 -0700
Only allow safe context fields in notifications
Publishing a fully hydrated context object in a notification would give
someone with access to that notification the ability to impersonate the
original actor through inclusion of sensitive fields.
Now, instead, we pare down the context object to the bare minimum before
passing it for serialization in notification workflows.
Closes-bug: 2030976 1c1ff32f511ca23 502317d0f00 bf845bd663560fc 8d5a18fa09)
Change-Id: Ic94323658c89df
(cherry picked from commit 1b315615e7dc61d