Essentially, the grep command in the if statement has been changed from
> if ( grep ^deb.* /etc/apt/sources.list >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) ; then
> if ( grep -E '^deb.*security\.(debian\.org|ubuntu\.com)' /etc/apt/sources.list >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) ; then
This has been tested with the etch autoinstaller (it's actually in the current image). Note, however, that the Hardy issue has not been addressed.
This patch should address the issue with etch.
Essentially, the grep command in the if statement has been changed from debian. org /etc/apt/ sources. list >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) ; then security\ .(debian\ .org|ubuntu\ .com)' /etc/apt/ sources. list >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) ; then
> if ( grep ^deb.*security.
> if ( grep -E '^deb.*
This has been tested with the etch autoinstaller (it's actually in the current image). Note, however, that the Hardy issue has not been addressed.