@~suv Based on your suggestions I've modified the dialog so you can select the object properties (style, attribute name, attribute value, id, fonts etc) separately. Please check the attached screenshot, showing all the functionality. > How do I quickly select all circles to move them onto a new layer (object type)? The object types (including circles) are available under "More options" (see attached). The idea was to balance having a simple dialog with advanced functionality, so the most common fields are visible and the less used fields available when needed. > How do I select all objects with a certain (sub)string in their IDs to group them (ID)? Find: '(sub)string' + 'Search in > Properties' + 'ID' checkbox selects those objects. >How do I identify all objects which have a clip-path or a mask, or a path effect applied (attribute name)? Find: 'path-effect' + 'Search in > Properties' + 'Attribute Name' checkbox selects those objects. > 'Search in > Attribute/Style': Does it search in the content of all attributes of all objects within the scope? Yes it searches in the attribute name or attribute value depending on the checkboxes you have on You can refine your search results for multiple attributes - Search for an attribute, then search within 'Selection' on a different attribute. > How does one select objects by attribute names, partial or full match? (e.g. those with attributes in a custom namespace; or those with attributes like 'clip-path', 'mask' or 'inkscape:path-effect'; …) Find: 'path-effect' with 'Search in > Properties' and 'Attribute Name' checkbox on (default) selects those objects. 'Exact match' checkbox for partial or full name match. > Would it be intended to allow to search for matches of certain attribute values? (e.g. select all objects which refer to the same clip-path by partial id, but ignore partial matches in other attributes; or select by the value of rx or ry of ellipses; …) Yes i've added the ability to search by attribute value as well - checkbox 'Attribute Value' > what happens if I enter a font family name, and choose 'Search in >Attribute/Style' - will the search fail or does it not matter whether one uses 'Style/Attribute' or 'Font' for 'Search in'? The font search searches inside the style but only for the 2 styles 'font-family' and '-inkscape-font-specification'. So a search for 'Arial' will probably get the same result in 'Style' and 'Font', but a search for '96px' will only get matches in 'Style'. > If 'Font' is singled out as individual property of the style attribute, shouldn't there be separate explicit find (and replace) functions for other style properties? I included 'Font' because there was demand from users and a specific extension for it. We can easily add (fill and stroke) or remove (font) properties as well. Being able to find/replace on Styles and Attribute Value gives the users complete power to modify anything, some more specific requests it covers are: * Bug #170378 “Select All by Stroke or Fill Color” - Yes you can do this * Bug #171685 “Smart Select” Yes you can change the color of all the 'orange' objects to 'blue' * Change the font size / font style for all objects at once * Change the line style / colors etc ... There is a thread on inkscape-dev list if you prefer to discuss there https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=28598515 I'll provide the patch shortly so you can try it yourself. I am more that happy to change the layout and add/remove any features you think are needed.