> Inkscape 47.0 does not seem to be affected by this bug.
Inkscape never supported manually edited connectors - the difference to 0.47 is that auto-rerouting in Inkscape 0.48 is triggered whenever a new connector is added, whereas in Inkscape 0.47 (with fewer options of connectors) the rerouting mainly happened when moving a connected shape [1].
> Inkscape 47.0 does not seem to be affected by this bug.
Inkscape never supported manually edited connectors - the difference to 0.47 is that auto-rerouting in Inkscape 0.48 is triggered whenever a new connector is added, whereas in Inkscape 0.47 (with fewer options of connectors) the rerouting mainly happened when moving a connected shape [1].
Duplicate of or at least closely related to /bugs.launchpad .net/inkscape/ +bug/168748>
Bug #168748 “Connectors with manual node edits should retain their shape”
[1] see also <http:// www.inkscapefor um.com/ viewtopic. php?f=5& t=8766& p=31777# p31777>