Thank you 1000 times; that is really helpful; should probably go into
the Inkscape help.
Best, Christian
PS. Incidentally, I would have more reports and suggestions for
development; but with other programs, it is mainly a waste of time,
since developers have their own mind and goals. If you encourage me to
submit them, I will do so.
Prof. Dr. Christian Lehmann
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Universität Erfurt
Postf. 900221
D - 99105 Erfurt
Thank you 1000 times; that is really helpful; should probably go into
the Inkscape help.
Best, Christian
PS. Incidentally, I would have more reports and suggestions for
development; but with other programs, it is mainly a waste of time,
since developers have their own mind and goals. If you encourage me to
submit them, I will do so.
Prof. Dr. Christian Lehmann
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Universität Erfurt
Postf. 900221
D - 99105 Erfurt
Tel.: +49/361/737-4201 (selbst)
+49/361/ 737-4200 (Sekr.)
Fax: +49/361/737-4209
E-Post: <email address hidden> www.christianle